Thursday, December 31, 2009

still awake O.o

it's 4 in the morning and i aint the least tired yet. this is baddd. but during this time i also thought about how to witness to my family more. maybe through the tiniest cracks i can tell them somehow that i've changed for the better since i became a Christian. looking over my Bible for some answers too. i really hope i can wake up when school comes around and conference too. i tend to sleep like an hour really early in the morning >< this sucks D:

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

praising in the middle of times square

so today i went out with joycee chan ♥ i haven't hung out with her in ages so we went to ct and yaya's. i really wanted her to go to church with me and i nagged her to go. when we went up she thought it was really awkward and i got sad she wasn't really enjoying herself =T but then wen we where playing ping pong she started learning and got it down pretty quick. i barely beat her lol. i was happy she starting being more herself and having fun! then when pingpong fun was over she started playing handball with Ricky. i'm glad that everyone was trying their best to make joyce feel comfortable. i feel really accomplished having her enjoy herself. and maybe God has a plan for her to come back. but until that happens, i'll be praying for it.

well i missed devotions and had to leave early and go with my family to times square. we had sooo much fun in times square! i felt like such a kid again when we were in the huge Toy R' Us :] i played DDR with my sister!! we had soo much fun as a family and we were lucky enough to see the new years 2010 ball go up and down & light up!! soo cool! then when we were going to go home by the train, there was a big group of people singing how great is our god! i wanted to join too! then they sang lord i lift your name on high. i wish i had the courage to scream up JESUS! in the part. but my family was there. i really wanted them to stay and feel the enjoyment that i had. but in part i felt happy that they know somehow that i love singing these songs. even if it was for a moment, while praising God through those songs, i told them that YES I AM A CHRISTIAN! hopefully i can continue witnessing to them through these things that God planned! i know it was God's planning that we passed by that group of people. it wasn't just by chance. Thank You God!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

van helsing

yesterday was a great day but i realized that all my life i'm so used to being bossed around by my sister, someone can tell me something and i would seriously think they mean it. like someone tells me to move over a bit and i would and not think of anything else. =/

anyways me carmen elaine courtney brittany kingston felix and harry went to MoMA!! it was so beautiful there. in a way, i love art! i really wanted to go to the Tim Burton exhibition but i needed a timed ticket. courtney and felix got in thought!!! D: and they didn't call any of us. first we all split up but then i walked around with kingston and only carmen and harry were alone =( MoMA is such a nice museum. i love the architecture of it. like you can see the second floos middle section where there's a big dinosaur from sooo many angles. i def wanna go there again!

well after the museum we had mucho fun for 2 hours and we were debating where to go.i was so tired x.x eventually we went to get sushi and crashed at felixs place. it's sooo beautiful there!!! his house is three floors and they own all of it. we stayed on the second floor. ate sushi family style! ^_^ but then elaine courtney and brittany had to leave and they called car service. we were suppose to watch a movie and we took sooo long to decide what to watch. i reallly wanted to see a millionaires first love but they all saw it. i wanna see it in a group lol. by like 7:30 we finally decided to see Van Helsing. a vampire/werewolf movie!!! soo cool!! even though i wanted to watch Titanic though. i left maddd late >< i was so afraid i would get in trouble again but of course i didn't cuz my sister went to sleep when i got home :D that was a relief. i had an amazing day fellowshiping with these awesomest brothers and sisters.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

last sunday of '09

although i had to miss church today i still had fun fellowship-ing with everyone that went ice skating. even though nelson didnt go =.= i love ice skating. if it was possible i wished i took classes to figure skate better. i fell quite a few times. and skating with kingston reminded me of when we were in sdc a lonng while back lol it was so much fun that first year we went ice skating together. but i can still pwn him in ice skating :D sadly he didn't fall at all rawr i fell so many times!!! i still wanna go ice skating before the break ends and before conference. it would be just amazing if we could go as cana together. too bad we couldn't go on thanksgiving. i was superrrr tired after skating. when we got on the train, i couldn't even stand up. i was so tired...and HUNGRY!!! i wanted food lol so we went to eat with felix and calvin and i can't believe felix got so red from eating spicy foods haha. i enjoyed today alot. im reallyyyy tired now. tomorrow will be MoMa with kingston carmen elaine harry and maybe matt. it'll be funnnn!!

insomnia again

can't sleep again. i feel like writing more but my minds been empty. right now im talking to minje, richie and barnes. min and barnes, going to urbana tomorrow yet they're still awake. tsktsk

Saturday, December 26, 2009


we love because God first loved us. - 1 John 4:19

i never realized this verse even though it was on my bookmark for so long. after looking up that verse and reading the passage following it, i have much to learn.

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
-1 John 4:20-21

this i still need to put into my heart. many of us say we love God but we "hate" so many other people. very often, the word "hate" is used and it's such a strong word. we use it so lightly too. how many times in your life so far have u said u hate someone? speaking for myself i have probably said it daily before i met Christ and even after i knew Christ i may have said. maybe it was just coincidence that i remembered these words but it's definitely God's planning and reminder for me to not hate my family even though they've done so much to me. i need to persevere through these times. i can't say i love God that i've never seen and say i hate my family whom i known all my life. because God loved us first, we're given this feeling called love. and because i love God for all He has done for me, i must love the family He has given me. He is the only one that can fill this empty <3 into a full ♥

sometimes i feel like giving up and running away, but i'll always remember that God gave me all this because He knows i can handle it all. He's even given me such awesome friends that help me through everything. all in all it's His plan for me and i trust in Him.

weirdest dream last night

soo i still have insomnia buttt i took this like one hour nap and i had the weirdest dream. there was a bunch of people in it but the one thing i remember was constantly holding hands with this one person that i'd never think i would hold hands with. sooo weird. was it him? i wont name names cuz it'll be if it isn't weird enough lol it's like we were in a car and he ended up sitting next to me, then our hands touched and he held it close together. dreams are soo weird. but it's a dream so it'll never happen. dreams like this happened before. but they never came true. thats good. i still wanna be good friends with everyone and not let my feelings ruin everything :] i♥cana†

Friday, December 25, 2009

jesus is the reason for the season

soo longggg storyyy these past 2 days.
christmas eve- caroling in front of church ♥ one of the best moments i had this year. i thank God for all the trials he's given me these past two days. santa hat "jesus is the reason for the season" it made me think that it's so true. many people may have forgotten that there is CHRIST in CHRISTmas. i enjoyed the christmas eve musical worship. it was so much fun listening to the choir sing. caroling is so mcuh. i wished we had teh guts to sing on the train x] after the service it was around 9 and it was pretty late. i was pretty sure that my mom would let me stay out to chill with cana for dinner although i was broke. i was hungry but i didn't want to borrow peoples money to eat. i coulda survived without dinner for one night right? so then i called my moms phone during dinner and my sister picked up. i was scared but i told her i was out with cana eating and i had people going home with me but she yelled at me. she told me to not go home and she'll lock the door so don't bother going home at all. i felt so sad. everyone was happy after caroling and they gave me food too. i lost my appetite cuz i might need a place to stay for the night. i didn't want everyone to ask me whats wrong and such so i went outside trying to think of what to do. carmen and king came out asking me what's wrong and they wouldn't go back in if i didn't and more ppl came out. i felt so bad so i went back in. i told carmen and king only cuz i trusted them alot. they helped me through so much already. we loitered around ct for a longg time before leaving. carmen called alot of people to see if i can stay over thier house. i ♥ her. people stayed out really late because of me and i felt soo bad but i'm so happy to know that people care. especially Ricky too cuz he wouldn't let me frown. thanks kingston for giving me his jacket even though it was freezing out! i felt so warm even through the sad times :] and they were all like call me if anything. i'm so happy that God blessed me with these friends. i ♥ cana. they're always there for me. Rocky said he would come down and get me if so i had a place to stay, nelson said he'd come over and give me some food and bring his guitar n attempt to fix it. lol i love these guys. made my day. in the end i got home. i was in the bathroom txting everyone that i was fine and wishing everyone a merry Christmas xD u guys talked me through the sad times and made me happy again <3 thanks all of you guys for the support and prayers. i wouldn't have done it without u guys. i had a really memorable Christmas eve.
Christmas day~happy birthday Jesus and Timmy yan!
Christmas was also very memorable. although i got slapped by my sister i still had u guys there to talk to. thanks again cana. espcially ROCKY!! ricky carmen kingston nelson ♥ and everyone that was talking to me! i went to times square with my family and took many many pics. had an awesome time and im getting fat eatin Junior's but who cares i'm happy.

i thank God for the trials he's given me because through them i see the love that my friends give me and i gained the strength to persevere. even through these bad times i know that there are people out there cheering me on and praying for me. i won't let them down. i'll be strong. i may cry and fall but i will get up and praise God for everything He's given me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

long weekend?

i guess i can say that. much has happened and i realized that i don't really care what he thinks anymore. but if he did say something to me i would respond. it's been too long anyways. like i always say there's so much more to life!
anywayyyy 12.19.09- first snow storm!! it's so beautiful u know? God's creation is simply beautiful.
12.20.09 - i thought there was chinese school....ended up that it was canceled and i was all dressed up wtheckk D: a lot happened that day. i gave out christmas gifts, went to SoHo and boom Ricky was feeling down down down down down. i was so worried that i cried at the renovation banquet. but i had kingston there to give me a big warm hug, minna to talk to and the rest of cana there to ask if i was feeling alright. with everyone there trying to make me happy, how can i possibly feel sad? i love cana <3 thanks rachael and sharon making the banquet quite fun and bringing that smile back on my face. and i'm glad Ricky has been feeling better. i pray that he'll continue to be happier!
12.21.09 - Seeker's was....awesome! jacob went :D really happy that i can get more people to come. and we had an amazing time. the cookies were good!! and i WILL find out who sent those cards lol that person was so smart to type out everything and not handwrite rawrr and Ricky was continuing to feel better!
12.22.09 - today went by pretty quick. i'm still debating whether to finish the gift and give it to the meaning is gone already...i'll just put it all in the card
and just talked to some that doesn't care if i cut cuz he honestly can't keep tabs on me, i really remembered every word he said. those words hurt but it was the truth... the truth hurts. i needed someone to talk to that i trusted everything with before. wtheckk...feeling down pray for me please

i hope the Christmas spirit will cheer me up. can't wait till we start caroling in chinatown :]

Friday, December 18, 2009

who cares what guys think

who cares what guys think =p
who cares what he thinks. its only him, i got my own values. :D
soo i got help from king so i guess stuff will be alright. i gotta take the intiative and maybe he'll see through hopefully. madd stress lately but i got some sleep in. maybe a few hours in so thats one good thing. family is a bit better. i really want to make sunday school, it might be the last class that boaz is teaching and i haven't gone for like a month, but i'll do anyhting i can to go this sunday. school's almost over!!
Christmas is almost here! this song i really really love!! last christmas-1sagain. i love that song. but i got mistaken for when i pput the lyrics as my status...i'll give it to somebody wasn't really meant for someone directly. i'll never do that again =.= i didn't really get presents this year for ppl. i didn't go crazy. im saving my money for more important FOOD!! jkjk for missions and for winter conference. i really really wanna go to missions so i gotta do my best to show how good i am to my mom. pray for me plz.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

it's that feeling again y'know?

confusion and uncertainty dwelling in my mind. what should i do? i asked for help but what can i do when i already know the answer and what's gonna happen. written in words in the middle of class. ruined my day and had me thinking what to say next. it's so painful. Lord help me break free of the chains of human emotions...

Monday, December 14, 2009

back to square 1

sigh what's going on in my life now? so many things that are taking over me, the sadness, the confusion, the pain...everything... i wish everything would just go away.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

agravating day

had four test in a row today and i only knew i had a global and math test.
french teacher gave a pop quiz....
global test=failure
math test=super failure
eng "quiz"....took the whole period....def considered a test

and to add to this day lost clothes at home. WTHECK!! such an agravating day...can't stand this. talking to a werewolf might make me calmer but talking to God will def calm my heart.

Monday, December 7, 2009

lonely day at school

so boring at school today =(
他不在学校今天,很闷啊! 每一天有他在我身边很开心!! 我希望他会好一点,病好了!如果我会喜欢一个人我想快点知道他是! 这是我心底的话,我相信上帝有安排给我。我很感谢神给我很多机会,我一定不会令他失望。我会珍惜祂的机会。我也希望上帝保护有病的兄弟姐妹,因为他们是神的孩子。谭兄弟和很多的朋友也病。听到他们不舒服我不开心 =( 祈祷他们会好一点。感觉神!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

i have a secret. ;] i like someone shhhh

thinking back on this week

it's the start of december. can't believe time passed by so fast already. it seemed like yesterday it was just summer and my 406 kids where still there. i miss it. and the many problems i had in the summer are mostly solved. this week has been a really longgg week. i've talked to many people about my problems and im so glad God gave me these friends to vent out on. especially my family problems. i hope tomorrow i can go to sunday school. someone i reallly really thank is kingston. he's been hearing me out on every problem i've been having so far. friends and family. i still can't believe i lost a brother like that. he meant so much to me. and he's been there for me since summer, you can't just break a bond like that. but i did something wrong and i guess i really did break that bond and the closeness he felt for me. i've been having so many troubles lately. boy problems? lol maybe. i still remember what dai low said "no cutting and no boys in high school!" LOL i broke the first rule he gave me already. i cut to his lunch period almost everyday back last school year. and the second i havent broken..yet xD
thinking back on this week alot has happened. in a few aspects of my life. i really liked bible study yesterday tho cuz i needed that to talk to my sister again. she asked me about God and know i have the basic answers to answer her. i won't be afraid to tell her anymore cuz God is by my side. i will fear no evil, for my God is with me and if my God is withh me, whom then shall i fear. it said that in Psalms too. thanks God for giving me the courage to speak. i will share the gospel with her and show her that i sm indeed a Christian and not just going for friends. friends led me to church but what kept me there is God and His unfailing love for me. sweetly broken, wholly surrendered. i'm unashamed to tell people who i trust in. but because of grace, because of your mercy, i stand here unashamed.
i know my answer now. i'm so glad that i know what is right and what is wrong. we may not know His plan for the future but we can trust in Him. and that is what i'll do. i will trust you and i will not be afraid. right here and now i know God's guiding me. though love in a complex world is hard to grapse i'll leave it to God to lead the way. maybe He's leading the way already. 我喜歡一個人.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

true fellowship is where true happiness lies.
amen. i am truly happy when im with them. and i can feel God watching over us

stuck on my mind-ish kinda thought

been on my mind for a while. been talking to emily about him too. i suck at dancing but he was so nice about it. i'm so afraid that i wont get it in time. i really am >.< im so badd and he's awesome! what can i do...i practice but i still cant emphasize the moves like he does. gotta work harder!!
i got this feeling but i'm not sure if it's the devil tempting me. i liked him for so long and i wonder if i'm over him. he's still a really good friend to me. we been through alot. this may be like a spiritual high. a false feeling. but i'm still not sure about. God lead the way for me. i pray about it and God lead the way for me. a relationship is kept for someone that is special and who God leads me to. i dont want temptation to lead me to something wrong. i need to be a good leader for those who look to me for help. i leave it in His hand to guide me through everything. i won't keep this part of my life for myself to make the wrong choices. give me courage Father. to face everything in life. i don't want this to be a problem that im facing now. all i want to put my everything in now is telling my parents who i am. a believer in Christ.

i lost a gaw. by those words i felt hurt. i felt betrayed on that one day where he said something that i vent out to him. it broke my heart to hear him say don't call him gaw anymore...

Monday, November 30, 2009

new moon/2012

sooo saturday i saw new moon with jason :] it wasn't as awkward as i thought it would be. i thought it was gonna be weirdd but we talked and i enjoyed it. i hated the ending D: left us hanging!! the book was still better but new moon was better then twilight. i liked it. emily teases me :[
2012 was awesomeeeee!! i loved it better then newmoon. so epic! so dramatic tooo. saw that with my sister on the same day too. i don't wanna spoil it for anyone thats going to watch it. lol so i'll leave it as an awesome epic movie!

focusing on God :]

Sunday, November 29, 2009

give thanks

giving thanks to the Lord that gave me this family. they're not believers. they are buddhist. they don't have the same views as i. they forbid me to church sometimes. they are not nice when i say i do. they are my family till the end. i love them. God gave me this family so i must witness to them the love of Christ.
just yesterday my sister asked me so many questions. i felt uneasy in how i should respond but in the end i told her teh truth. she doesn't believe me. but i will show her in time the change that occured in me. the love that God has given me.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


past few days i been getting insomnia. since last wednesday. this whole week i haven't been getting more then 10 hours of sleep. i don't know why either. is there something wrong with me?

baby steps :)

taking one step at a time like baby steps into asking my mom for conference and STM. i told her the good facts and she read it. hopefully soon she will sign it. God's answering my prayers slowly. even though my mom asked me are u a church person (literal translation) i avoided it. it's so hard saying yes to them about it, knowing the consequences. i'll take it slow. they may never accept me but i know God has His plan for me. gotta be optomistic and keep the sad thoughts in the back of my mind :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

100th baptism

i truly felt God's calling today during the baptism. i felt God right there next to me and telling me it'll be alright cuz He'll put me up there one day. it's the first time outta the 3 baptisms that i been to that i felt so emotional. i was tearing tears of joy to see my friends get baptized. i felt so happy and even though i felt sad in the beginning it went away cuz i know God has a plan for me. i will wait because i want my parents blessings. i love them and i don't want to disobey them. i'm sure there will be a day that they will accept me for who i am and what i've become. i have hope that one day i will be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Friday, November 20, 2009

gotta change

we tell them to feel better but in the end we still don't do anything. what is this hypocritical thing that we do? it's like living out our life fully for Christ. sometime's we wander off and it's cause of many things. it's human instinct to wander off when you don't feel accepted and it's also our instinct to assume. it's true it's our job to help the ones led astray to come back to God as said in James 5:19-20 and we try out best. it's possible for us to make mistakes and even be hypocrites. yes, it's our job to live a life for God and spread his word and to help others. but in the end we are still humans aren't we? we can make mistakes, i'm sorry if i did. as leaders we are suppose to help those that are wandering and bring them back to Christ so we try our best. even the tiniest mistakes i want to change. i strive to be more Christ like and to spread His word. it's possible for us to do that even though we have made mistakes in our life. no body is perfect but Jesus. i gotta change for teh better so i can truly help those in need.

"Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did" 1 John 2:6

Monday, November 16, 2009

God provides.

they were the ones that God led me to when i needed someone the most. today, one of the hardest days for me God gave me a way.
i walked to church feeling at my lowest then there was so many people at the elevator so i walked up, as i walked i saw them there. just when i needed someone, God provided. i felt so sad missing the prayer and praise day too...i couldn't believe i missed out on so much. but was it in my hands to stop everything? no, it wasn't. i managed to come out but at what stakes? i never know what i'll expect once i come home. why is this...i reallly really wanted to come out so i could give king his present too. as i was there, all of them there just made me smile. it really did. i couldn't bring myself to smile. i just couldn't, all i felt was sorrow and pain. but God provides. He gave me my friends that would put a smile on my face. kingston opening his presents, elaine feeding me and carmen being called courtney x) they are the best. no more sorrow, no more pain

i would like to "reinvent" myself. it's like baptism which i won't be able to attend....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


omgsh i got into knitting again. this time im knitting for someone's birthday present. i hope the color and size is right >.< i haven't knit for so longg i'm doing so weirdd it's like one stitch is looser then the other aiyahhh
school sucks...i got a 35 AGAIN! this time it's in math. i can't believe i did so bad... and it's a test too! T_T what am i gonna say to my parents =( they're gonna chop my head off. it's not even funny. it's completely azn fail + worse. i been doing bad in school. i hope to keep 90s in most of my classes. i'm trying my hardest in math and french tho. i get the materials, it's just i do HORRIBLE on the the tests and quizzes. even tho i can go to conference and i don't need a 95 avg overall, i still strive for a 90 to show my parents the improvements i been getting. i want to show them that going to church won't interfere with schoolwork but rather helps me and encourages me. i still hope for the best and try my best!
i'm soo addicted to manga now =.= first it was tenshi ja nai! that was a beautiful manga now its special a. it's so addicting but i wont let it interfere with schoolwork!

back to knitting!! i got till friday!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

reading aim logs..

wow i'm still wondering how we went from talking everyday about anything at all to now...barely even talking. i guess it was all my fault. it really was...looking back and we were so carefree just talking about random stuff and what we were gonna do when we get older. if it's ever possible i'd want to do all that being what we were before. sighs.... i miss it. i should just delete it. 一了百了。time to go chinese and talk about my saddest thoughts...


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


yeah i should be sleeping
but as i look at the pictures of summer i start to reminise on those beautiful days, when i was just so carefree and the only thing i worried about was that....
two things that can't get outta my mind and it's of the same subject...
so stupid of me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

election day!

it was a longish day?
didnt get to hang out with the guys much at the party =T so sorry =(

Sunday, November 1, 2009

my sharp tongue

why must i have such a sharp tongue against my parents. sometimes they say such ridiculous things it annoys the heck outta me!!! why can't they just stop talking! ughhhh i cant hold back sometimes and i just blow up and talk back. why? why? why?! the only thing left to do is just pray for God to calm my heart...

fall fair '09

it was def different this year! debby wasn't here =( but we had a blast! i'll put up pics later ;D

Saturday, October 31, 2009


=( only had time to go to the classes i got a 65 in....
at home = punishment

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



report card day =(

i did soooo bad!
english -85
french -65
global -96
trig -65
health -93
chem -85
chem lab -80
soph tech -90

avg - 82.57

those two 65s brought my grade sooo much! can't believe i did so bad. i kinda expected it. i been doing pretty bad in math and french. i haven't passed a class yet but felix was nice to pass me cuz i do my hw and participate. so was grossman. i KNOW i didnt earn that grade in chem cuz i been learning nothing. how can i get that grade if i learned nothing. maybe if i ask him how i desereved that grade in chem lab he'll give me a higher grade. i guess it can bring my grade up a bit if its an 85. im going to work hard to get that 95 to go to winter conference. i'm determined too. i gotta work hard and just about everything else.


Monday, October 26, 2009

keep holding on

i'm still holding on to it. where's the reason?
the moment was perfect, if u just heard it, you would think its cute but if u see it you would know why.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

God's perfect timing

God truely does have perfect timing.
friday - i went with my daddy after school to the doctors and i spent 3 hours there. i would have gotten really mad cuz it was a friday and i would be missing bible study but i wasn't. i was thinking what if its something serious and i wasnt there for him. i wasn't one bit mad at all. and relieved it was probably just a mistake that he got called in. so where does perfect timing come in? i took the 6 train to canal to transfer to R to soho and i coulda chose either to walk through manhantan side or brooklyn side and some reason i just went on the brooklyn side. then i was walking and tim almost karate chopped me lol i hadn't seen him in a while and well God's perfect timing i bumped into him. he went on the train to go home. and walking further down the platform i saw marco! i havent seen in AGES! madd longggg. i saw a couple other old cunningham people too. lol so later i went to soho and got rachael's skinny jeans then just in time for the message for revival meeting :D

sooo today...
it was rachaels party! we had mucho fun SINGING!! ka-la-oh-kay!!! it was so awesome but the videos are gonna take forever to upload T_T i really like the last 2 songs. tonghua and budebuai. my fav cuz it was chinese. during tonghua i..... it was just a beautiful song. justin sounded so much better though. cuz he's a guy and its a guy song. i love that HUGE dish of sushi!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

busy busy busy!!

ahh i'm so busy nowadays!
mondays- SEEKERS!
tuesdays - maybe breakdance if not HW
wednesday - youth corner :]
thursday - leaders meetings & video workshop
friday - BS! bible study ;]
satursday- free <3
sundays - my day with God

and above all this i gotta keep up on my school work =)

Monday, October 19, 2009

my walk with God

i been doing well. i made the right decision not going to her party. even though it saddened many people, it didnt sadden my mom. she was happy i didn't go to 100 Fun and dinner. she didnt want me going to a bar and i'm proud of my decision. family is above all else. i want to witness to them the changes in me. i know the right decisions to make and God's guiding me the right way. it makes me so sad that i won't be able to attend the 100th baptism....but i'm slowly witnessing to my parents that i'm a child of God. maybe there will be a miracle happening.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

sometimes i just want to blow up and punch a wall to let it all out

freedom of religion

my sister, angela just asked me now, are you becoming a Christian now? are you not a Buddhist?

this really shocked me, it came outta nowhere. how was i suppose to answer? tell the truth? i just said, freedom of religion. dont i have a freedom of religion or is it the culture that we grew up in tells us who we are? who am i? whose am i? i am God's child. HE is my heavenly father. i could have went on and on about this but doesnt she know who i am? didn't she see in the summer? in my heart i wanted to scream out this YES! i am a Christian but i didn't. it's so painful denying it but what will happen if i tell the truth....these words are stuck in my heart and it's just so hard to say within this family that are Buddhists. was i ever Buddhist? i always thought its the Chinese tradition that we do these things. i never really thought that it was religious even though i saw it in tvb. but by doing these things it writes out who we are. even if we haven't somehow accepted their religion, just being born into this family marked me as a Buddhist. God can see that i am not. everytime i am forced to do those religious things, i cry out to God. i ask for his forgiveness because i can't deny my parents. but again and again i continue to do this. what is wrong with me?! shouldn't i have the courage to tell my parents the relationship i have with God?

where is this courage?
i just feel empty not saying anything....

Monday, October 5, 2009

baptismal registration form

i was staring at this form for so long. even someone unexpected can get baptized...what about me? i hear God calling me to do i show my parents this? i pray to God about this but He hasn't given me an answer yet. or is the answer to just wait? something this big i dont wish to hide from my parents. i want to respect them. but this is driving me crazyyy!
"so what i can i say?
what could i do?
but offer this heart oh God
completely to you."


video workshop

i look into my email......
high school video workshop acceptance!!!
king got accepted too :D at least i wont be alone there. can't wait for it. get my mind off things :]

Sunday, October 4, 2009

yet another beautiful sunday

today i got jon's gutiar, named jasmine.
i had to return the yamaha =(
i missed the student leader meeting cuz i had chinese school and i didnt bother going to the patrol orientation cuz its stupid. i attempted playing guitar in chinese school while the teacher was out for a bit but i didnt notice when she came back, scared me lol

recently i been having arguements with my sister. just last night she slapped me again and threatened to cut the strings of the guitar i had. i slapped the gutiar too. although it woulda hurt her more then it hurt the guitar it breaks my heart hearing the guitars hollow noice when it gets hit. sum tong. it wasn't teh first in a while either. it's been happening so often like when shes actually home she gets to me. i try my best to not talk back but when it comes to guitar i can't take it. i needa hold back though. i dont wanna fight back. i could if i wanted to but it would make the situation even worse. last night i cried so much and cried to sleep i woke up in the morning to swollenish eyes but i could no one. the one person that knew i tried to call last night but i didnt have a working phone. when my tears started to pour his number came into my head. the number i memorized for so long but i couldn't call....i always think of him the first person to go for help other then praying to God but i have this feeling that im really mah fan to him. its just this feeling but he's so nice. its just so difficult. but God helped me in miraculos ways. He calmed my heart and gave me the courage to go through everything.
today in baptism class i got the baptismal registration form. i really want to just sign it. i really want to show my parents that form. but what will happen if i do? will i be able to live through the days to come if i show them that paper? i really want to take this step in my faith, but it can wait. i want my parents blessings if i were to get baptized. such uncertainty...

every now and then still theres that stab of pain in me. just seeing....i was such a fool and i still am for thinking this way...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

madd gong faw

im so not gonna get to sleep tonight T_T one month of school and i got madd hw already and my binder is already full. =(

it was funn at youth corner. at first we were chilling downstairs cuz Rocky wasn't there so there was no one looking after us. we were down there for a good hour with steve watching us on the camera but he didn't kick us out cuz we weren't doing anything bad and canceling youth corner was last minute. i heard boaz saw them down there before too. then barnes came down and he called steve and managed to get us to the 6th floor till 5:30. he was watching us and we left a bit before 5:30. it was so much funnn. there was actually people that saw the sign and left LOL they didnt call any of us. if they did then we coulda told them where to go. i was stuck downstairs for 10 mins cuz i didnt bring my phone with me and the elevator was locked. =( poor me then afterwards we were loitering in front of church and stella came! i love her car lol madd funn today :D and i got a ipod charger :]

Monday, September 28, 2009


i love playing mahjong now!! i was playing it the whole time while i was at jeremy's place. i didnt really want to play video games =T i wanted justin to play so he can whip out his super mahjong skills! LOL he's madd good. sam hui and jonathan aren't as great and i kept verbally abusing them xD and making fun of them although im not the greatest myself. haha it was super fun today and lunch was so worth it at chinese food place. i spent only $5.25 and the later a dollar on crybabys :] they're so addicting and i haven't eaten them in agesss! i gotta do hw! havent started yet >.<

happy birthday erica lei <3 my bestie since i've known her and forever will be.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


went to erica's place to chill today for her birthday. her birthdays on monday but we went to hang out at her place. jeremy gave me his mini guitar but sarah broke a string when was tuning it. =( o well gonna get it fixed tomrrow hopefully. i just noticed today how far away im from my friends. i used to be madd tight with adriel, matthaeus, yilla joyce sarah and erica but now i feel so far from them. it's all my fault for never chilling with them though. i put all of my time to going to church and hanging out with church friends i seem to have left them out.....i gotta start hanging with them more often, i dont wanna lose them cuz they're important to me.

Friday, September 25, 2009

making my way downtown walking past through the crowd

making my way downtown walking past through the crowdddd.....with kingston ;D
we went together to give in video workshop forms then walked down lexington ave from 92st to 50s by king's school. he wanted to go to gap to get v neck shirts lol they look goood tho x]
well before i went with him there was a protest at school. the Westboro Baptist Church came to tech because we were so diverse and they were hating. my shirt was crazily full of stickers saying LOVE DON'T HATE! and gay people are HOT! yeppp i was a supporter because i hated the fact that they hate everyone and held up signs saying God hates you. they misinterpret the Bible ike crazyyyy...
friday :] bible study was funnn me <3 guitaring!
felix ngo gave me a call from Syracuse lol mad random. he's telling me to watch FAME II, the movie about Laguardia. i'll find time to watch that.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

cleaning; scrubing up the rooms

the floors of 602 and 605 were so clean after we cleaned them. even when we went back in there to play, we took off our shoes and played in socks or bare feet. thats how clean it was and we didnt even want it to get dirty again. it was mad nicee! i even got the dirtiest corners!

making the floors clean is like what God does to our hearts, He scrubs our hearts clean of our sins and all the dirty stuff. the one thing thats different is though, we can make the floors dirty again because we're there so much of our times, then we gotta clean it again. but God never never puts sin in our hearts again even though he's there 24/7.

Friday, September 18, 2009

vball tryouts..

i failed...
i was so disappointed in myself. i put such high hopes up in getting on the team, and i didn't. it's like that old saying the higher hopes you have, the more disappointment... i can't believe i did so bad. i didn't know how to spike. the only thing i think i messed up on... wtheck. i know God didnt let me make it for a reason, maybe cuz i won't be able to manage everything. maybe it's the best for me. but i still feel the sadness inside of me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


i love guitaring now. it gives me the peacefulness a piano does too...and it reminds me of people.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

you never let go

we did it for youth service today. the sermon was about spiritual highs. i think so many people hit their spirituals highs at conference and worshiped really the experience but not the really reason why we had conference. it was really God's presence there that mad it awesome. i turned that spiritual high i had into my everyday faith cuz i know i need God in my life everyday. even though we are in spiritual highs and turn away from God, He never lets go...
oh no, you never let go
through the calm and through the storm
oh no, you never let go
through every high and every low
oh no, you never let go
Lord you never let go of me....
that song is just so meaningful. i spent some quality time with my friends today after chinese school. sadly i have the same teacher again... :[ i hope i learn stuff this year. she actually changed around seats and everything. i can't start going in late again or she'll kill me now lol i'm actually happy now i have real friends :] i dont feel that lonliness anymore.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

finally hit me school started

it took a while before it actually hit me that school started. i haven't really been thinking about much since school started. all i thought about was doing my work. the first day was such a wower to me. i have almost the same schedule as last year. lunch 4th period again =[ i feel like a freshman again but i have a super hard french teacher T_T i hate her. she's so mean. i have dana in my english class and i know a few other people in my classses. i'm so glad that i have my gaw ricky in my lunch period again :] just like last year. i been at church the past week and it's really filled me up. the best thing was i still feel my heart full from conference. although there's many things hapening at home i'll pray and hope for the best. i put all my trust in God. cuz...
i will fear no evil
for my God is with me
and if my God is with me
whom then shall i fear?
whom then shall i fear?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

prayer and testimony...renewed SC'09

i want to start from the very beginning of summer conference.
day 1
being at church, helping pack up the bus with equipment and stuff needed. since i applied for scholarship i needed to do this and most people that got scholarship did. it was a beautiful morning and i got some breakfast before getting on the bus. it was a while wait but we got everything on with everyone's help and i got on the bus after everyone did. it was pretty funny, right before the bus was gonna leave and he's like anyone forget anything...kingston comes out saying he forgot his guitar! LOL so he ran back to church and the 6th floor to get it. kingston had his guitar on the whole bus ride and benny had his baby with him the mixer lol he didnt trust it being on the bottom with the luggage or with the other equipment. so the bus ride started at around 9:45 and i slept for alot of the ride. i get bus sick even with eating the medicine =( i ate alot of snacks during the whole ride and slept alot. i had my pillow with me <3>.< either ="(" mud ="[" meeting ="[">.< i almost spilled the coffee going there.
the rest of my time there was awesome. just leaving there though....i loved the place. it was so beautiful and peaceful....a place to just be there and praise God.

Monday, September 7, 2009

summer conference

it was just amazing,
so life changing.
this was my first conference, and i loved it. the worship and praise, i sang my heart out. with my arms high and heart abandoned, i gave it all. i realized there's so much to do for God. and He can do so much. prayer concert and testimony night just touched me so much. i felt God's presence right there next to me through both nights. prayer is so important, i've only just realized it this weekend.

i feel so renewed.

Friday, September 4, 2009


karaoke was mad awesomee today. i had an awesome time singing and some of those songs were from the bottom of my heart. meant for this person...
i have mad videos on fb :]
at first i thought something was wrong but there wasn't anything. but i can really see how much <3 there is for her, and theres just so much in my mind. arghhhh

im talking to him again :] he IMed me, i'm glad friendships can last.

leaving for conference tomorrow morning.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

sunset glow.

i loved the sunset glow at battery park. it was so beautiful. God's creation is just so amazing. i wish there was someone that enjoyed it also though.

im starting to think again...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

new camera!

i finally got my new camera today!!! i'm so happy! well at first i was thinking i dont really need it cuz theres gotta be loads of people at conference with cameras but i want to have my own memories. i want to take pictures that have special meaning to me. i want to remember people. i love taking pictures of landscapes too, it's just so beautiful. i got a sony cybershot w180. it's red.i like it. it was pretty cheap too...

every time i think about it, he pops in my head now, i dont know why... i don't get how...

Monday, August 31, 2009

it's better off lying, cuz once he knows, he'll start pushing you away. cuz the truth would be too hard to say.....
too many times this happened...


i <3 volleyball!! i was playing for friend day today and i played alright. not the greatest but i made it through. the thing i hated was playinng with the herald ppl and they were good but i had no clue what to do. made me feel so out of the circle. but i liked it after we did digging drills and king of the court. it was funn playing cuz i got to play with different teams everytime and i could play with everyone. it was really fun! i missed sunday school and part of worship today...took me so long just to be able to leave. but in the end i still made it to service and got to hear a bit about the sermon.

i hurt my thumb playing volleyball =(

im so glad things got cleared up. i dont feel crazy about him anymore, but theres still part of me that can't look away from him if he's right in front of me. i liked him alot, liked. i'm so glad i have these close friends that can help me through it all.

whenever i hear about it, i wished it was me, i dont know why....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the time travelers wife

it was a good movie. i was crying when henry the main character died even though it was obvious he was gonna die. it was so nice when the older version of the daughter went back in time to tell the younger version of herself that she needs to be ready for her daddy to die when she was five. time traveling is so mah fan, especially when you see someone close to you die multiple times. it was so sad when the wife had miscarriages so many times cuz the baby was time traveling out of her womb =( but it was funny when she cheated on him with the youger version of himself. i went to see it with sze then we went to davids place. his mom kept asking me alot of questions but i guess thats how azn parents are. i really like his roof, its so comfortable just sitting there and relaxing. i could literally fall asleep there. too bad it was cloudy, coulda seen some stars if it wasn't.

again, today is one of those days where i realize many things. when i get too close to someone i end up getting pushed away and away further. is it really that hard being close friends? i realized it the hard way...maybe i wish for my own happiness too often. i want other people to be happy too, even if it means getting pushed away, getting avoided...i knew it before he said it, i just couldn't get myself to believe it. it was so obvious out there too, i needed to hear it. but i've already let go. there's no need to know more about it or to bring it up again....

i just wish i can go to church tomorrow...

being at home.....

i jus wanna get outta here. mad yelling all the time. and to add to that people asking me stupid questions.....

i just wanna take my guitar outside and start playing whatever....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the way everything used to be

it was mad nice back then....the way we used to be...the way cana used to be with all the old seniors. i miss them, even though i say to felix im not gonna miss him lol it was mad fun back then. going out to dinner with them and just going to the movies. people that left that i was pretty friendly with was stanely, calvin and felix. it's gonna be a long while before i see them again. tim is staying pretty close. i know what college he's in =p we're all growing up so the way we used to be will always be remembered. :]

love in a complicated world =T it's hard so i might as well not think about it. it's nice now where i dont feel the stress and the awkwardness. it's fun being around him and im getting tighter with more people because of the problems i had. friends are def forever <3 once i can put something down, something new can start forming. a new feeling is tingling in my heart but it won't be much a bother :]
summer conference is near!!!


8.26.09 student leader retreat

i was late for the student leader retreat today =.= i went to stop and shop in hte morning to get mini cupcake pans and they had mad nice stuff there! c-town isnt doing that great now =( ot much baking stuff except for the brownie mixes. i make them pretty moist. anyways lunch break i had congee and lemon with honey. it was sooo colldd in 605 >.< the guys are eating popeyes....they're gonna get so sick of it after they're done lol mad food there but im sick so congee for me =(
one of the topics we did was finding out our talent and what came up for me was serving, teaching, mercy and healing. i think the one that fit me most was serving. alot of people thought serving was one of my best talents also. i like serving other people, not to be served. im not that great of a leader but i can serve. i love teaching and sharing the gospel to little kids too. it just gives me great joy when kids know we need to pray before we eat. i have the desire to heal people when they aren't in the greatest mood but im not great at it. i really think serving is the best. i love to help others in need and whenever they need me im there. i like doing the stuff most girls wouldn't do like carry a gazillion boxes, and when people carry one at a time, i carry 2. because i like serving others. it's the same reason why God sent Jesus. He came down to earth not to be serve but to serve others and save them.
after the meetings i went to junior's to get a cheesecake for debby. she's leaving saturday and we talked about cheesecake yesterday so i bought one for the people that went to her place. we talked about scary stories and jonathan got so scared lol debby invited us back tomorrow so i bakes some mini cupcakes :D i dont wanna use too much money. we're gonna tell more scary stories! it's so much fun with debby, and its so sad that she's leaving =(

i listened to sam and just not think about it. it really works. like i just stop thinking about this relationship stuff and my mind is all cleared up. my heart feels calmer once i just stop thinking about it. i can wait and just let time do it all. it's better to just let things go as it is, and let us grow spiritually together so in the future we can be ready to think about this stuff. right now all i wish is for them to be happy. i've let go and stopped thinking about it. the two best things i've done about this situation so far.


it was a bit awkward today...for me at least, especially in quickly's

they were....

they seemed much like a couple.

Monday, August 24, 2009

406's day out.

today was just awesome and it went so smootly. it couldn't have been any better. 4 things i did today that i have never done before.
1.go to flushing
2.korean bbw
3. toto's
4. red mango
i had mad fun today and it was just so tiring. so this morning i had to wake up early to bring my stuff home from my grandmas place then i had to go back there and clean up. it took me about 2 hours to get to flushing =( took so longg and when i got there i nearly got lost. i walked out the train station and i had no clue where i was. i was so lost and everything looked mad different to me. tim is horrible at giving directions >_> he told me to walk towards old navy's but theres 2 directions, main st and roosevelt ave.....anywaysss everyone was there except for samantha and was a longggg walk to picnic garden and there was nic waiting for us. and he had time to go to staples to get school supplies while waiting for us. korean bbq was so awesome, we were there eating for 2 hours. fairy dust hahahas and we burned so many things. carmen and courtney put together a photo album of pics from 406 ;D tim was about to "sweat" some more tears lol. it was so beautiful and such an awesome gift. it was just so meaningful and on the back of it, there was this quote that courtney put, some of us walked in as strangers, but in the end, we walked out as family. and it's just so true cuz we all got closer like family. and today when we were hanging out it felt like family day out lol. we took a group pic of every that went before wilson had to leave. he left pretty early tho =(
after 2 hours we left and i could smell!! i smelled like korean bbq! and it doesnt come off for a while i heard. =( then we went to toto's!! nic lost his bow while walking there and he didnt even notice when lol madd fun trying to fit the 8 of us into that small thing and taking the pictures too lol we managed to take 4 pics and we picked two of them and there was just excatly enough for all 8 of us to get 2 each. ;D mad awesome time. it was got really hot in there. and when it came out i wonder where tim's eyes went LOL he had no eyes and nic was so tiny in teh back lol.
welll after we stopped by red mango!! my first time eating frozen yogurt!! it was so yummmy and it made me so fulll!! we stayed there talking about our kids for a pretty long time. jaclyn left after a while and there goes 2 ppl! we're losing ppl!! there were these 2 kids on the table next to us and they liked tim's bow so we gave them 2 cuz there were 2 infants. and i gave them my rose too cuz i was so bored i started folding roses. and i get so into folding stuff lol. we eventually left red mango cuz we stayed there for a while. it was around 5 already and we stayed in red mango for an hour. by that time nic had to leave cuz he needed to be home at 730 for dinner aww he's being such a good boy and he's the oldest there. so there was 3 people that left leaving only me carmen courtney elaine tim and flora.
we went about almost everywhere and of course me being a brooklyn person had no clue where to go. then i followed them and we walked to queens crossing which had a really cool "niagara falls" and 4 cow statues lol i needed to tinkle so i went to find the bathroom first. then we went to this other building right next door and there was this pond with fishies and so many pennies there!! carmen attempted couting all of them....stuy haha.... there was wayyy too many to count. and wee took pics there cuz there was a pretty staircase there ;D and so many fishies!!! but we couldn't loiter there for that long and flora needed to leave. so there goes another. =( only me tim carmen elaine and courtney left. so we went to quickly's...i dont think i ever gotten anything from quickly's lol and i didnt get anything today. lol we chilled there and chatted for a good hour before we all finally split and went home. i was so tireddddd FOOD COMA!! =( we chatted about sdc and the kids a bit more till carmen had to get off and take the R train. then i finally slept while standing up lol. i was sooo tired and i didnt that till i got to newkirk and transferesd to the B. i was mad tired and i needed to sleep. it was such a longgg funnn superrr fun day!!

next time we def gotta have shabu shabu or something like that in the winter!! we must hang out again!! and samantha gotta come, and nic gotta be back from bing. hope he has fun in college lol super fun day with the 406 teachers and volunteers <3 my sdc '09 family!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

super swollen eye

D; i woke up yesterday with a swollen eye=( my right eye is swollen, dunno what happened tho. doctors said its an infection so i gotta put eyedrops on it. eyedrops hurt =( im so afraid of them. nelson took my phone into the bathroom to read the text messages =.= he didnt wash his hands when he came out...i hope he didnt use the bathroom lol omg in 131 gym theres like locker rooms on the side n i went in, its so dark andscary like one missed call. cant believe i walked in alone.
last night i had a dream that i was leading worship along side nelson. lol crazyydream that wont be happening for a while but it was great and i remember everything went smoothly. i hope that dream will happen someday although i wont have the chance of being JAMS leader in the future since kassia is there and she is awesome. i also remember saying god is good all the time, all the time god is good. lol thats one of the things i remember calvin saying back when he was here. 

when i see them both i wish the old days were back cuz that feeling was the same like it was a couple months ago. that friendly feeling in my heart of warmth. 
but sadly i have this feeling in my heart...i dont want the same to happen where everything went wrong...i gotta see where this feeling leads me...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

last day of sdc, last year with ms. anna

i never knew how much this day meant to me, i wrote down every minute of it. from beginning to end...
i'll remember this day from beginning to end. the last assembly was great and all the teachers and volunteers went up for a last song. it was just amazing, i let the kindergarten kids sign my yearbook n i hope they'll remember me too. i made a pinky promise with noelle for her to remember me! i really hope they do!! the kindergarteners have free time for the whole day! so happy to spend it with them. my class has gym so im enjoying every second spending time with these kids in the nursery. it's so comfortable here and it holds so many memories of me playing with the kids and getting them to sleep.

the last devotions with ms anna forever...makes me a bit sad, but i'll enjoy every second of it. im so happy to have a new brother in Christ, ricky!! he just raised his hand as being one of the few to accept Christ as their savior this summer. i'm so happy cuz i remember him saying one time that he's not there at bible study to learn more about God, he likes the debating there...but im so happy to see that all of that has changed, he became a believer!! ms anna gave out CDs that her daughter made n i really wanted one! but i didnt get one...but i know that people who do not know Christ and accpeted him as their savior need it more then i do. i know that God has His reasons for every decision that He makes and its for my own good. 

it's not till the end of the day till i know how sad it is to leave these kids!! they made me want to cry, especially yi ling and emily...i love them! i got the kids icee for snacks cuz its the last day and it was so hot. carmen, flora and courtney got them snacks too. we all just loved the kids so much we needed to get them something.  when Tim quieted the class down for dismisal he said "boys and girls, this is really important, you must listen to everything i say and not miss anything. Guys, GO HUG THE TEACHERS AND VOLUNTEERS!! and right after he said that he ran out. i went for the door and so did elaine..and my poor finger got hurt...i regret not letting the kids hugs me but i know that i would start crying right then and there. it really didnt hit me yet tho. when mr nic said "406 this is our last time lining up lets pay attention" it really made me sad inside... this summer can never be replaced, ever. i can never forget them either. the times in music, when king jesus is all came on, yi ling does it so girly when its like yeah yeah yeah. im so gonna cry....yea im crying already cuz theres no next year n idk when we'll see each other again...i hope God will bring us together again. and by then we will grow to love each other. i cant stop cryinggggg

it was such an amazing day!! i just realized how much closer i got to a few people this summer! like nelson and sze both said that this summer brought us much closer and im so glad. i hate how though after i stopped crying and i was alone, nelson had to come next to me and tell me how i've been a great help to his kids this summer. made me start crying again, but it was tears of joy knowing how i was there to help. he started saying how this summer brought us much closer, and it got to me. a waterfall of tears started coming out. it just made me so happy knwing that sdc can bring so many people closer and relationships start forming. this summer made me realize the many things that can happen. i lost a relationship but a new one formed in its place. God has really blessed me with a great summer and the last sdc for ms anna. i didnt really realize how much i loved these kids till the very end came. i even miss samuel and hao qin! i guess they're too young to understand. i got pretty hungry after crying hahas i cried a tissue for every kid in my class and kindergarten! that took up so much of my energy i went to yaya's for food then to bible study, and calvin just left. i wont be seeing him till thanksgiving...i wont miss him lol jkjk i will miss him very much actually.

it was a great end to sdc...a few of us went up to the roof before we went home after bible study and chilling in 602. i took a nap in there, i want to sleep so much now. T_T i been deprived cuz i gotta wake up for work and church everyday. i dont wanna go back to school, just like emily said i want to stay in sdc forever! there was a nice breeze on the roof and i saw a star up there. i wish we could bring dinner up there to eat instead of going out and having to pay for tips to. so the day ends there with me taking the train with carmen and nelson. it seemed like so much happened today...a day i'll never forget. the last day of sdc with ms anna that served for 20 years.

end of the last day of sdc....

in the beginning of the day i thought it would be a normal day and not even thinking i would cry either. everyone slacked off just a bit and ying made pranks on his volunteers and edmond wanted to egg ying!! thats just crazy.  i slept in naptime with the kindegarteners. i overslept and went back late but tim didnt even care. no one cared. we left the classroom and went around everywhere visiting people. as i think back, so many people cried yesterday, even the ones that would never cry and i've never seen cry like Tim and kingston. tim i thought would never cry but he did. he "sweated" alot of tears. many people cried in the sanctuary. if u went in u would just see crying people everywhere. the kids didnt understand that it was the last year of sdc and theres no next year, and its ms anna's last year too.  i guess that was the main reason why so many people had cried. its the last year, if there was a next year i wouldnt be crying so much. i doubt tim would cry either if there was a next year and cuz we had the younger kids. its so much easier to bond with the younger kids. i never knew how much i loved them till they were gone. i miss jeffrey and samuel. they were the hard ones but they played a role in the class. everyone did, yi ling the smart one and jeffrey the kisser. kenneth and kristie i love so much. they were just awesome. the kindegarteners i couldnt let go of. when i saw alivia and kate the last ones i left, i just held them in my arms and cried. emily and yi ling were my babies! i just hugged them and cried too. i couldn't help myself cuz they all said i'll miss u and i'll never forget you....i will never forget them either. it was such a great end to sdc. if i write any more i'll start crying again. 
even the strongest ones cry at one point...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

stafff dinner

i stained my white dress =(

this was a great end to sdc, and for ms. anna. this will be her last year doing sdc and this is gonna be the last year of sdc till it reopens after renovations. it will be at least 2 years sadly, so there wont be our fun summers together anymore. its just when i entered cana there had to be renovations. i really hope that even without sdc there to help my faith grow, i can still continue to grow in faith and believing the Lord.  i really hope i can open the eyes of the people that aren't believers yet, especially my closest ones that have worked with me this summer.  i pray that they will see what the Lord has done for them this summer and come back to fellowship on sundays.  i really want to urge them to come on sundays.  its relaxing to just have fun with fellow hs kids. even though next year wont be the same i wanna make the best of this summer!!  so tomorrow i'll def make the best of the last day of the last sdc...

staff dinner and superstars was awesome today!! bu was the winner of course cuz he's awesome! and i enjoyed the dancing even though i messed up a few here and there. everything is going by so quick! i guess i amazed a few people that thought girls couldnt break dance and i sang my heart out. i got over my stage fright! i wasnt afraid to sing, or nervous at all. i think it was cuz i was sick. with my voice so bad i could only sing low pitched and it was awesome! like it wasn't hard for me to sing at all!i was so happy even though i didn't win. winning wasn't the reason i did superstars, i did it because i wanted a happy memory of the last sdc! sdc '09 has been great and the memories are unforgetable. this summer felt so fulfilling because i did something so meaningful! it went by really quick but i also had many fun memories cuz ocm is like my home. like people mentioned in that video to ms anna, ocm became my second home. its the people in ocm that makes it perfect. im happy that i still have sundays to see ms anna and my brothers and sisters in Christ. 
tomorrow, the last day of sdc '09 will def. be the best everrrrr!!!

this summer made a difference to me. i realized many things about liking someone. letting go was an easier way, it's so much easier to communicate once i did that. and now i have opened doors everywhere because of personality and this new persons character is keeping the door open for me. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

closing ceremony.

its so much easier once i jus loosened up. its so much easier to talk to him, that awkwardness is kinda gone. being in the same group as him in outreach wasn't that hard n once i let go of my sadness its so stressless.  

closing ceremony was so awesome!! my kids were great and the volunteers did an awesome job on superhero! i was yu gi oh and i found my old yu gi oh cards and started throwing them out to the crowd.  but like the 4th graders did a remix to superhero and added soulja boy moves into i. edmond taught his kids that lol i think quite a few classes used that song. so sick of it now lolol. awesome day but i gotta worry about superstars now!! i'm coughing so much i hope i can still sing!!

nelsons let go of someone, someone has to go into your life, and thats excatly what happenened. 

Monday, August 17, 2009

love is blind.

love is blind. 

it can mean so much when someone is there for you when you're heartbroken. i been prepared to get over him, and now maybe people were right. what they thought was right. this other guy i might really like. he was always there for me when i got sad over him.  its about time i forget about this guy, he avoided me. it takes time to forget a person and its only possible when u meet someone new. or when you finally notice that theres another person thats always been by your side. although i cant see what the future has planned for me i know that God will take care of it. today pastor Sandy talked about something really important. pray about the one you will marry in the future, pray for him. the skit trust fall made me think a lot. i was just thinking am i putting all my trust in God or just in myself? that question was stuck in my mind the whole time. and in the end i could only think of no. i haven't been. i was always counting on myself and never really ask God to help me find out. and now after i have been praying about it, i know what to do.  i will continue on my life without crying over this again. because love is patient and kind. i will never let these things get to me again. it took a while but i finally get it....this new person...

chubby bunnyy....threw up red stuff
banana game...won the first one, lost the second

8.16.09 a new hope

since i didnt have internet yesterday i decided to blog on my phone and save it for whenever i get to a computer and just put it up then. well here it is.

a regular sunday and a week after it seems like he found out. 
im even afraid to go out and see him, and see him and her together. why am i even doing this to myself? i know he doesnt like her or anyone but yet i do this to myself.  i try to talk like nothing happened. like we're just regular friends again, but it just feels so weird. its like one day he's avoiding me and another its like we're back to regular friends....maybe its all in my head....nothing feels the same anymore, nothing does, it's like summer is a nightmare, everything is going the opposite of how i thought it would be. i cant stay in the same room as him without talking to him or someone else in there cuz its just so awkward. its so early and im already thinking so much...

later on...
i guess its alright not talking to him anymore, i gotta give up someday...i've fallen for him so much already, he changed me so much, i miss it all.
if he really isnt the one God meant for me then let me forget about him. i dont wanna like someone that makes me cry over him. this person next to me now is an awesome guy! why cant i like him instead? that would make my life so much easier. but life is hard like that. thats why i fell for someone that different and hard to understand. why did i start liking him? for his looks? for his smarts? for his almost perfectness? i could imagine a future with him, maybe its cuz i thought of the future i want and not the future God has prepared for me. maybe cuz of that, thats why it had to be ruined before it was too late. even though im not 100% sure if he knows or not, i can be sure that i'll get over him. trust in the Lord with everything... maybe this person next to me can be.... 

im jogging and oh how i wish that it can be like this forever, never ending road and if theres an end to it, let it be the light of God.  i found out lotsa things today. i needa distance myself from him, then everything will jus stop. then maybe this guy next to me is the one God meant, who knows....i jus gotta get over him!! a new bear will come sooner or later.

personality can open doors but character keeps them open.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

no matter

i just now know that no matter what pain he caused me or what ever has happened,
the person that's still deep in my heart is him.
he's still the one that i like.
he changed me. a lot.

Friday, August 14, 2009

he's avoiding me...

haven't talked to him for while. it's been a while since we had a long convo on aim and in person. he's been avoiding me. he doesn't want to face the fact that i like him. im so sure he knows and he just avoids me whenever i ask him about it. i guess i've kinda accepted the fact but there's always false hope out there that just breaks my heart. it's so obvious that he avoids me now. its just so hard to forget, to forget the times we spent together happily as friends. it just won't happen anymore. he had to have read my blog to know all of this. i thought summer was suppose to bring happiness but it just brought more pain for me. im happy with all my friends at SDC and the boston team are awesome! but this pain overcomes any happiness that ever comes along. when i see him, i feel the pain in my heart. i feel the pain of him avoiding me and just throwing me to the side. if he does know and he does read this, does he enjoy seeing me like this? why can't we just talk about the stuff between us so i can get it over with?

i really wish that the person i like wasnt him. if it was someone else like people said, it would be so much easier.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sam's sweet 16

i had my most awesomest first sweet 16 party that i went to. and i funniest thing was nelson went. he made the party FUN!! and not to make him feel better but it was, he make it awesomeee! i haven't danced like that in a while and supposedly we were the only pair that was guy and girl when it was time for the slow songs. the rest of the people paired up with the same sex. madd funny and we had to do that for 2 songs. then it was courtney's turn to dance with him. i had an awesome time cuz i haven't danced so crazy since last year. it wasn't dirty dancing as some people would think but just jumping up and seeing nelson dance was so nice. he went pretty crazy and of course sam was the center of attention. and we all thought nelson went to her party just to hit on her LOL nahh he was my"date" LOL jkjk he just went for fun and he was loved and invited. he gotta chill and stop worrying!! i wish the pics can go up soooon!!! nelson did some pretty funny things hahas but we both knew where to stop lol i wish it coulda lasted longer =T

there was only one thing missing too. i wished that my partner for the dance was him, even though i liked nelson and it was fun, it didn't feel right. i wish he coulda came, but things are different now. i feel like he's avoiding me...

Monday, August 10, 2009

this is where it starts

this is where it starts.
this is the start of me just giving up cuz 1. if he doesnt know then i'll keep it that way 2. if he does know that i know that he knows and he never talked to me about it then i'll keep it that way, he doesnt wanna talk.
all i know that now, i gotta put all my hope in God cuz He'll help me. things between now are just so weird, we barely talk. what i planned for in the beginning to tell him during conference won't be happening. cuz now i just have this feeling i should give up. i think i can live on without ever knowing what he thinks. even as i ask him now, he just says wrong IM or he doesnt remember. i was just thinking, what does he remember. does he remember how awesome it used to be? just the 3 of us playing handball on the weekend. i long for those moments when it was just normal between us. if it takes me not talking to him for a couple of days, weeks, or months....i'll do it. i'll do whatever it takes to restore the friendship we had. the friendship we had would feel so much better then what i feel like now. i feel this sadness and sorrow inside me whenever i think of it and see him. it's like he doesnt want to talk about even when it was that obvious. maybe all of this is just in my head and he doesnt know a thing but it's all getting to me. like i just wanted to cry it all out. i never knew it could be this painful.....

tomorrow will be sam's sweet 16, hopefully it will bring me up and i can meet new ppl. weirdest part...nelson is going and he doesn't even know her haha

Saturday, August 8, 2009

my stupidity

i am really stupid. i really am...

him (10:51:29 PM): u know wats publiv?
him (10:51:33 PM): her blog!!
Patriciazhen (10:51:41 PM): ??
him (10:51:45 PM): thats why everybody knkows!!
him (10:51:45 PM): lol
him (10:51:46 PM): patricias
Patriciazhen (10:51:50 PM): wat??
he is offline (10:53:50 PM)

from these few words, alot came known to me. he was talking about my blog, and that it's public. and knowing something. that something is me liking him i think...thats the only thing i write about on my blog now. he was probably talking to someone else and said it to me by accident but it wasn't the ppl i asked already. i dont know who it was and im so sure that he reads my blog and know that i like him. and he signed off after saying it. everything is making sense to me now...
he prob doesnt like the idea that everyone knows, and now we're mad distant. we barely talk even though we see each other everyday. i dont think there's a point in telling him anymore. i know how the outcome will be. it's gonna be like how it's been, but even more awkward and weird between us. i know its too soon to say that he doesnt like me but i have this feeling he doesnt. i should really start giving up and moving on now...

i took it off my profile already.

what's so different anyways?

i always thought of him as being different then other people from before,  but i looked at him today and just wondered. he's just like any other guy isn't he? he jokes around and makes perverted jokes. well kinda.  there are times that i think that he's so different and special to me but there are also times that he just treats me like any other girl.  when theres a bunch of people like today he doesnt even talk to me, and when its only us 2 we don't even talk anymore.  i think that this time it's so different but is it really? i think too much of it. i really do. but one thing is for sure, i really like him alot. as i look at him now, i can see how much i like him. i look at him differently. i think of him differently. i learned so much about love when i think about him. i understand that love is patient, love is kind. i would do about anything for him and i would wait as long as i have to for him. i've waited for about 5 months already. and i have been patient. maybe in the following months i will learn what the verses mean. and i will understand fully what love means. only when i learn what it means, will i cherish it even more and fall in love.  there's still one thing that lingers in my mind, should i ever tell him?

will he ever like me in return?

all i want is to love and be loved in return. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

happy birthday calvin!

it was such a long day today!!! it was also calvins 18th! i kinda got mad at him cuz i thought he would go to sam ash and he ran off but i got over it. it took julie a while but she finally got over it. i made him a cake and we had brownies to eat. then we went to seaport as planned. i got san's present at a&f. it's a pretty nice shirt and on sale too. then we went into the mall and sat there while a few ate. me and carmen got calvin another piece of cake for him, tiramisu. he likes it =) we sat around and watched the view from the pier and it was nicee and comfy. i wanna see the sunset at battery park next week. and we can get jamba juice there too. we chatted and played guitar. it was such a nice time to hang just for calvin's birthday. cana needs to go out more and have FUN!

i wished he was there with him enjoying the time....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


my hair is so shorttt now!! bangs are even shorter T_T arghh can't wait till it grows out!

today was a pretty nice day. the weather was nice. and i was so happy to give him a band aid LOL seems like the smallest things makes me happy. like he asked around for one and no one had but i did!!! so happy! and then he was like to carmen "see patricia had a band aid" i was just so happy to do something for him. and its the funniest way to how he got a cut LOL and i helped him put it on ^_^

now there's another person that knows.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

community fun day!!

first day of august, a month has passed already. time goes by so fast.

today was the community fun day at ocm. i got my sesame street t shirt lol it says 154 hester street. i had an awesome day even though i wasn't really talking to him much... but he did offer his guitar to play. :] i'm happy with that. i really miss those days back a few months ago...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

love is patient, love is kind.

it's such a rainy day, and they were stuck at the train station. i was so worried i had to give him a call. and he asks why i was at his room when he came back, well because i wanted to see him. i really wanted to tell him that but love is patient, love is kind. i think i finally understand what those verses mean. love is patient so i will wait for him to notice. and love is kind, i worry about his safety and pray for him. although i may never have a chance, i think this is what love is suppose to be. although i have yet to understand the verses, love does not envy, it does not boast.

calvin said his arm had something written on it yesterday. j+p. i wonder who wrote that...

when he asks me all these questions, it could be asking asking about me, but i thought the opposite. i was thinking, who is he thinking of. maybe it's one of his's possible. the summer can being crazy just wont bring that closeness between us.

4 kids crying all at once is very tiring to deal with...

bringing friends to Christ

i've just noticed how passionate i am about serving God. i remembered last year how i got dana to volunteer at sdc, and she came to know Christ. and this year as i look at carmen and sanna i hope they will get to know Christ as dana did last summer. i invited them to come to sdc to work and slowly they are changing their views on Christianity. they are more open and they really like it here at ocm. i hope they will start coming sundays and i will continue to urge them to come but i hope one day they will come on their own will as i have. there is this fulfilling happiness in my heart as i bring people to know Christ. this is the happiness that fills me. this was the missing part of my heart.

Monday, July 27, 2009

ordinary day of sdc?

seems like it. i made cheesecake to bring in. i wanted him to be the first to try but he wasnt =T i think nelson was. but cheesecake wasnt that great cuz of the heat D: im baking brownies for tomorrow. it seems like when i see him everyday he's really distant from me.

blessed are those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy.

played alot of guitar today :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

car crash

today was the graduation party for the class of '09! mad fun playing the bagel game and typical day game. i have pics of the typical day game so i gotta put em up on facebook. and i really enjoyed playing around with him during the training for the street fair. it was really fun. its like how it used to be. the beauty of simplicity.

other then that something else happened today. it was a rainy day with very hard thunderstorms every now and then. simon was driving me david kingston and felix home from church and we were on the highway after the brooklyn bridge, there was a car service car that stopped on front of us and simon kicked the brakes but we didnt stop on time so we crashed but it was a big crash. that other guys car had no problem and wasnt damaged and all of us were fine but simons car was a bit bad in the front right side. but the main thing was that we were all alright. that was the first time i was ever in a car crash. it shocked me so much even tho it was minor. but God definetly blessed us because as we drove off we saw on the other side we saw 3 car accidents. all the cars were damaged pretty badly. the front hood was gone on some of them . but God showed me how we were so lucky and He protected us. we coulda been hurt even more badly and we could have been in a car wreck. but God protected us from any of it. even when it was slippery and the other side there were so many accidents we were the lucky ones. simon's car damage was the last thing i worried about because we were so safe. today i've seen how God works in my life. He protects us.

as i got home and asked my mom about the student leader retreat. i told her Rocky lives in NJ and she said it would be fine to chill there if we stayed over and i rejoiced!! i was so happy. she can finally see how i'm happy with being in OCM and my church buddies. thank you God.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

back to those simple days

today was like how it used to be. just me and him and nelson playing handball. we laughed and joked around just like we used to. it brought back so much memories and even though i was tired and played bad i still continued, cuz thats how we was back then too. we didnt care, we just played like there was no other day. i realized how much those days meant to me because thats how it all started. how i started to realize i liked him just so much. i felt so happy just to have today bringing back so many memories. i waited till he came and i didnt care if i was late, i just wanted to be with him and spend our time together like we used to. the 3 of us together made it the best with the jokes and laughter. i wished that hour never ended, i wish these saturdays never ended. but in the end it did cuz today was justin lui's birthday party. that hour we had together had to end either way...i'll cherish every moment i have with him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

i'd do anything for him

it's true that i'd do anything for him. anything that he asks of i would do it with all i have. like today he asked me to make something for him and i finished it in a few hours, thats the power of liking someone. today we talked like we usually do. i guess teh whole time i been thinking too much. i hope he wears it tomorrow >.< i wanted to give him a heart too but he rejected it. maybe that was too much. i like him so much. even though there were people that asked me to make stuff for them before he asked i made his request before anyone elses. i really really do like him alot. i won't ever tell him tho. just being like how it was today is all i'll ever ask for.

reading his blog makes me just wonder how he thinks inside his head. the thoughts on his blog are just so sad and deepening like how i think. as i walk in the rain it blends in with my tears. i really want to talk to him whenever i read one of his blogs but i know he won't accept me. he said theres someone thats bringing him down...i wonder who that person is. what i really just want to do is to spend time with him. whether it be with nelson handballing on saturdays or just talking during sdc, i really enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ups and downs

i went through many ups and downs this week, and i still been thinking about him. i still wonder what he thinks of me, wondering if he thinks of me at all and wonder what he's doing at this very moment. and whenever i see him its still painful to not know what to say or do. me trying to make it casual ends up just walking away and yesterday...right when i walked out he left. i'm so afraid that he knows but i remembered these lyrics... I know I'm weak, I know I'm unworthy, To call upon Your name, but because of grace, because of Your mercy, I stand here unashamed.

Youth Sunday was amazing preparing for it was awesome too! i was so excited for it and choosing clothes for kingston was so funny xD although he wasn't there for the weekend, i managed to get through. i loved the songs that we were singing. The stand and unashamed! my favorite songs but the best thing was probably Nelson's testimony and him doing little by little.

Harry Potter movie wasn't as great as i expected =T i went with calvin felix and kevin, but i only sat next to calvin cuz it was mad full. i only got scared in one part but it was alright. wasn't as great as i expected. me and calvin was talking and felix being so nosey told tim about some stuff and he was like he knows who bear is and it got me so mad!!! D:< but it's so hard for me to stay mad at someone so i was alright the next day.

even though i see him every day in this summer it wasn't what i expected everything to be. i wanted us to be talking everyday and chilling but's just not how i pictured it. we're even further apart as friends. and we don't talk on aim now either... we slowly died out...dana said i was like this when i like sunny also but i'm way worse now. and i liked sunny for a pretty long time...3 years? maybe around there. but this time i feel really different. i feel like we were so close and we're so far apart. i pray to God to help me let go. i know i don't have a chance. i just have this feeling. no matter how much i continue to like just won't work out for me...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

all i want is to love and be loved

isn't that what everyone wants? sometimes i'm so head over heels about this love i have for one person i forget all about God being there whenever i need Him. all i want is to love and be loved and i got that love from God. im fussing over this love for this one person that i may never have the guts to tell...i'll wait till summer conference but i probably wont even have the guts. things between us aren't that bad now, we talk like normal again but rarely do we have alone time to talk. theres always someone there or he's never there when im alone. im reading and hoping to have him there next to me just sitting there like that day may 22. he knew something was wrong and listened, sitting next to me the whole time. i really want that night again. where we're just next to each other even if its just silence, just him being there comforts me. i wonder what the chances are that he knows or even accepts me....he's reading that book Angels&Demons. i read it last summer and it was nice. its up to that point where sometimes i dont even say anything to me because im afraid of what he'll think of me. some people can fall in "love" so easily but love does take a long time. i will only say i like him alot because love is such a strong word. God loves me i know. i really really like him up to the point where im nervous around him sometimes but i want to feel that comfort when im around him like we had before. i really want to just handball with him again. i really miss those days. where i didnt need to think of anything else.

where did those days go? i think about him so much, see him so much, but its all inside of me. it's all kept inside and maybe i'll never get the chance to tell him.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


我看到他们在一起的时候,我真的不开心。 他们喜欢对方。 我不知道我可以怎么做。。。

Friday, July 10, 2009

brokenhearted island

this island is so big. so is this forest.
today wasn't as bad as last night. the kids cheered me up although many times i felt like crying because everytime i see him, i know that i don't have a chance. its a stabbing pain through my heart. last i cried was on the train to work. that was good. i didnt want anyone seeing at work. i avoided him as much as i could today. its so hard doing that to the person u like so much. but i talked to him about his braces for a bit. he took them off. but it wasnt much of a convo, he was signing out...there was bible study today and i saw her again. seeing her made me just want to burst out in tears. i stopped myself tho. i dont want my eyes to be as puffy tomorrow like they were today. i won't cry tonight. i finally found someone that can relate to me. and its calming me down a bit.

i shouldn't be sad over this stuff, like tim said im too young for this...
but i can't seem to help it can i?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

i should just give up

i should give up. i should...continuing this would just make me feel even worse.
i talked to calvin and carmen about this in Yaya's today. calvin told me alot about everyone in this forest. im in this forest too. but im left alone. im left alone because i know that he likes her and she likes him. im not his type. calvin was pretty sure they like each other. what calvin says is most likely true. its just so hard to accept the fact that he likes her. i shouldn't have had any hopes of him having a bit of feelings for me, it was foolish to think that even for a bit that he liked me. who am i to compare to her? they have known each other for so long and they're so much alike. i can't compare myself to her. i just need some time. i gotta let go and cry it all out. i need time. i can't continue this anymore. i gotta distance myself from him. the pain will be less later. it was just so much simpler 2 months ago, when i didnt know any of this. when we could hb every saturday. when we just joked around. but all of that meant nothing to him. only i thought more of it. only i was the idiot. he doesnt think of me as more then a friend. he musta caught on that i like him. thats what calvin said. and i planned it all out to tell him how i felt at summer conference. now i can't stand seeing him cuz i just get sadder and sadder. i remember how just seeing him made me happier now....i gotta avoid him. i shouldn't have told anyone this. if only i didnt start talking about this. i didnt have to know any of this. i shouldnt have asked calvin about any of this. this is too much to take in...

i remembered when i started liking i'll remember the day i gotta start giving up.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

too many people know. =(

this post is just about him.
wayy too many people know about this.....
tim is right we shouldn't talk about it like have a whole convo when other people around don't know about it. i shouldn't have told so many people. so far...julie, carmen, elaine, and ricky. they are the people that are up to date. ricky doesnt know who bear is but the others do. everythings been getting to my head. i dont know how i make it obvious sometimes, but i guess sometimes i slip. even if people get it right now i wont say anything... i'll be like no to everything. thats the only thing i can do now. its been getting to me. i keep thinking that everything is awkward and even tim was like if he know then its been awkward yet i havent noticed. what is that suppose to mean?! it's confusing the heck outta me!! i really think he knows but i dunno what to do if he does know. the one question i have to ask myself would be, what do i want to happen if he knows?... that really is the question i gotta answer myself first. i really like how it is before. we were close and always talk online and in person. i miss handballing every saturday with was the thing we had together. i think when we were in school it was better. cuz then we didnt see each other everyday. now that we do see each other every day we hardly talk. but just seeing him makes me look straight into his eyes. there was this one time at the volunteers orientation on the first day that he leaned on the pue in front of us and we looked into each others eyes for like a second but then looked away. looking him in the hearts start beating so fast sometimes when he's around me. it's getting harder and harder to find things to say. i want to avoid him sometimes because i dont want other people to know. i dont want everyone to know and make a scene. i want to be the person to tell him i like him. we're on the same floor so we see each other alot. he makes the drinks all the time so i see him alot. sometimes i wanna just go up to him and start a convo but its so hard!i wanna jus tell him everything! but i should wait...dai low knows about it already....he teased me about it today D: like give him the heart that i made in art. what i really wanna do is break it in half and give it to him. give him the bigger half of my heart. i really would like to do that but it would take so much courage...i'm so afraid of him knowing how much i like him. sometimes i cry about how stupid i am, like why this is happening. and like its even more painful not knowing how much he knows about this. he doesnt read my blog. he wouldn't know how much i like him. he wouldnt know how i feel. its so different for me cuz it started when there was school and its summer now, our daily routines are different. i dont know how he's gonna be. we're on teh same floor, we see each other during lunch, i get so nervous around him. why?!?! its too much for me to handle. i wana know his answer but im so afraid! i keep telling myself theres still time later for this i'm too young but i can't help it now can i? i really do like him and so many people know, but do they get what i'm feeling inside? its summer thats bringing all this emotion to me...

i just wanna get outta here sometimes. into nature. maybe with him alone and having the courage to tell him and if he rejects my feelings then....

i'll try talking to him...if i can...he has all this depressing makes me so sad. i know what its like to want to die too. to hurt urself on the outside to kill the things on the inside...
