Wednesday, December 30, 2009

praising in the middle of times square

so today i went out with joycee chan ♥ i haven't hung out with her in ages so we went to ct and yaya's. i really wanted her to go to church with me and i nagged her to go. when we went up she thought it was really awkward and i got sad she wasn't really enjoying herself =T but then wen we where playing ping pong she started learning and got it down pretty quick. i barely beat her lol. i was happy she starting being more herself and having fun! then when pingpong fun was over she started playing handball with Ricky. i'm glad that everyone was trying their best to make joyce feel comfortable. i feel really accomplished having her enjoy herself. and maybe God has a plan for her to come back. but until that happens, i'll be praying for it.

well i missed devotions and had to leave early and go with my family to times square. we had sooo much fun in times square! i felt like such a kid again when we were in the huge Toy R' Us :] i played DDR with my sister!! we had soo much fun as a family and we were lucky enough to see the new years 2010 ball go up and down & light up!! soo cool! then when we were going to go home by the train, there was a big group of people singing how great is our god! i wanted to join too! then they sang lord i lift your name on high. i wish i had the courage to scream up JESUS! in the part. but my family was there. i really wanted them to stay and feel the enjoyment that i had. but in part i felt happy that they know somehow that i love singing these songs. even if it was for a moment, while praising God through those songs, i told them that YES I AM A CHRISTIAN! hopefully i can continue witnessing to them through these things that God planned! i know it was God's planning that we passed by that group of people. it wasn't just by chance. Thank You God!

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