Monday, August 24, 2009

406's day out.

today was just awesome and it went so smootly. it couldn't have been any better. 4 things i did today that i have never done before.
1.go to flushing
2.korean bbw
3. toto's
4. red mango
i had mad fun today and it was just so tiring. so this morning i had to wake up early to bring my stuff home from my grandmas place then i had to go back there and clean up. it took me about 2 hours to get to flushing =( took so longg and when i got there i nearly got lost. i walked out the train station and i had no clue where i was. i was so lost and everything looked mad different to me. tim is horrible at giving directions >_> he told me to walk towards old navy's but theres 2 directions, main st and roosevelt ave.....anywaysss everyone was there except for samantha and was a longggg walk to picnic garden and there was nic waiting for us. and he had time to go to staples to get school supplies while waiting for us. korean bbq was so awesome, we were there eating for 2 hours. fairy dust hahahas and we burned so many things. carmen and courtney put together a photo album of pics from 406 ;D tim was about to "sweat" some more tears lol. it was so beautiful and such an awesome gift. it was just so meaningful and on the back of it, there was this quote that courtney put, some of us walked in as strangers, but in the end, we walked out as family. and it's just so true cuz we all got closer like family. and today when we were hanging out it felt like family day out lol. we took a group pic of every that went before wilson had to leave. he left pretty early tho =(
after 2 hours we left and i could smell!! i smelled like korean bbq! and it doesnt come off for a while i heard. =( then we went to toto's!! nic lost his bow while walking there and he didnt even notice when lol madd fun trying to fit the 8 of us into that small thing and taking the pictures too lol we managed to take 4 pics and we picked two of them and there was just excatly enough for all 8 of us to get 2 each. ;D mad awesome time. it was got really hot in there. and when it came out i wonder where tim's eyes went LOL he had no eyes and nic was so tiny in teh back lol.
welll after we stopped by red mango!! my first time eating frozen yogurt!! it was so yummmy and it made me so fulll!! we stayed there talking about our kids for a pretty long time. jaclyn left after a while and there goes 2 ppl! we're losing ppl!! there were these 2 kids on the table next to us and they liked tim's bow so we gave them 2 cuz there were 2 infants. and i gave them my rose too cuz i was so bored i started folding roses. and i get so into folding stuff lol. we eventually left red mango cuz we stayed there for a while. it was around 5 already and we stayed in red mango for an hour. by that time nic had to leave cuz he needed to be home at 730 for dinner aww he's being such a good boy and he's the oldest there. so there was 3 people that left leaving only me carmen courtney elaine tim and flora.
we went about almost everywhere and of course me being a brooklyn person had no clue where to go. then i followed them and we walked to queens crossing which had a really cool "niagara falls" and 4 cow statues lol i needed to tinkle so i went to find the bathroom first. then we went to this other building right next door and there was this pond with fishies and so many pennies there!! carmen attempted couting all of them....stuy haha.... there was wayyy too many to count. and wee took pics there cuz there was a pretty staircase there ;D and so many fishies!!! but we couldn't loiter there for that long and flora needed to leave. so there goes another. =( only me tim carmen elaine and courtney left. so we went to quickly's...i dont think i ever gotten anything from quickly's lol and i didnt get anything today. lol we chilled there and chatted for a good hour before we all finally split and went home. i was so tireddddd FOOD COMA!! =( we chatted about sdc and the kids a bit more till carmen had to get off and take the R train. then i finally slept while standing up lol. i was sooo tired and i didnt that till i got to newkirk and transferesd to the B. i was mad tired and i needed to sleep. it was such a longgg funnn superrr fun day!!

next time we def gotta have shabu shabu or something like that in the winter!! we must hang out again!! and samantha gotta come, and nic gotta be back from bing. hope he has fun in college lol super fun day with the 406 teachers and volunteers <3 my sdc '09 family!

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