Thursday, August 6, 2009

happy birthday calvin!

it was such a long day today!!! it was also calvins 18th! i kinda got mad at him cuz i thought he would go to sam ash and he ran off but i got over it. it took julie a while but she finally got over it. i made him a cake and we had brownies to eat. then we went to seaport as planned. i got san's present at a&f. it's a pretty nice shirt and on sale too. then we went into the mall and sat there while a few ate. me and carmen got calvin another piece of cake for him, tiramisu. he likes it =) we sat around and watched the view from the pier and it was nicee and comfy. i wanna see the sunset at battery park next week. and we can get jamba juice there too. we chatted and played guitar. it was such a nice time to hang just for calvin's birthday. cana needs to go out more and have FUN!

i wished he was there with him enjoying the time....

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