Friday, December 25, 2009

jesus is the reason for the season

soo longggg storyyy these past 2 days.
christmas eve- caroling in front of church ♥ one of the best moments i had this year. i thank God for all the trials he's given me these past two days. santa hat "jesus is the reason for the season" it made me think that it's so true. many people may have forgotten that there is CHRIST in CHRISTmas. i enjoyed the christmas eve musical worship. it was so much fun listening to the choir sing. caroling is so mcuh. i wished we had teh guts to sing on the train x] after the service it was around 9 and it was pretty late. i was pretty sure that my mom would let me stay out to chill with cana for dinner although i was broke. i was hungry but i didn't want to borrow peoples money to eat. i coulda survived without dinner for one night right? so then i called my moms phone during dinner and my sister picked up. i was scared but i told her i was out with cana eating and i had people going home with me but she yelled at me. she told me to not go home and she'll lock the door so don't bother going home at all. i felt so sad. everyone was happy after caroling and they gave me food too. i lost my appetite cuz i might need a place to stay for the night. i didn't want everyone to ask me whats wrong and such so i went outside trying to think of what to do. carmen and king came out asking me what's wrong and they wouldn't go back in if i didn't and more ppl came out. i felt so bad so i went back in. i told carmen and king only cuz i trusted them alot. they helped me through so much already. we loitered around ct for a longg time before leaving. carmen called alot of people to see if i can stay over thier house. i ♥ her. people stayed out really late because of me and i felt soo bad but i'm so happy to know that people care. especially Ricky too cuz he wouldn't let me frown. thanks kingston for giving me his jacket even though it was freezing out! i felt so warm even through the sad times :] and they were all like call me if anything. i'm so happy that God blessed me with these friends. i ♥ cana. they're always there for me. Rocky said he would come down and get me if so i had a place to stay, nelson said he'd come over and give me some food and bring his guitar n attempt to fix it. lol i love these guys. made my day. in the end i got home. i was in the bathroom txting everyone that i was fine and wishing everyone a merry Christmas xD u guys talked me through the sad times and made me happy again <3 thanks all of you guys for the support and prayers. i wouldn't have done it without u guys. i had a really memorable Christmas eve.
Christmas day~happy birthday Jesus and Timmy yan!
Christmas was also very memorable. although i got slapped by my sister i still had u guys there to talk to. thanks again cana. espcially ROCKY!! ricky carmen kingston nelson ♥ and everyone that was talking to me! i went to times square with my family and took many many pics. had an awesome time and im getting fat eatin Junior's but who cares i'm happy.

i thank God for the trials he's given me because through them i see the love that my friends give me and i gained the strength to persevere. even through these bad times i know that there are people out there cheering me on and praying for me. i won't let them down. i'll be strong. i may cry and fall but i will get up and praise God for everything He's given me.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I cant believe your mom did that. Good thing you have great friends!
