Friday, November 20, 2009

gotta change

we tell them to feel better but in the end we still don't do anything. what is this hypocritical thing that we do? it's like living out our life fully for Christ. sometime's we wander off and it's cause of many things. it's human instinct to wander off when you don't feel accepted and it's also our instinct to assume. it's true it's our job to help the ones led astray to come back to God as said in James 5:19-20 and we try out best. it's possible for us to make mistakes and even be hypocrites. yes, it's our job to live a life for God and spread his word and to help others. but in the end we are still humans aren't we? we can make mistakes, i'm sorry if i did. as leaders we are suppose to help those that are wandering and bring them back to Christ so we try our best. even the tiniest mistakes i want to change. i strive to be more Christ like and to spread His word. it's possible for us to do that even though we have made mistakes in our life. no body is perfect but Jesus. i gotta change for teh better so i can truly help those in need.

"Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did" 1 John 2:6

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