Saturday, December 5, 2009

thinking back on this week

it's the start of december. can't believe time passed by so fast already. it seemed like yesterday it was just summer and my 406 kids where still there. i miss it. and the many problems i had in the summer are mostly solved. this week has been a really longgg week. i've talked to many people about my problems and im so glad God gave me these friends to vent out on. especially my family problems. i hope tomorrow i can go to sunday school. someone i reallly really thank is kingston. he's been hearing me out on every problem i've been having so far. friends and family. i still can't believe i lost a brother like that. he meant so much to me. and he's been there for me since summer, you can't just break a bond like that. but i did something wrong and i guess i really did break that bond and the closeness he felt for me. i've been having so many troubles lately. boy problems? lol maybe. i still remember what dai low said "no cutting and no boys in high school!" LOL i broke the first rule he gave me already. i cut to his lunch period almost everyday back last school year. and the second i havent broken..yet xD
thinking back on this week alot has happened. in a few aspects of my life. i really liked bible study yesterday tho cuz i needed that to talk to my sister again. she asked me about God and know i have the basic answers to answer her. i won't be afraid to tell her anymore cuz God is by my side. i will fear no evil, for my God is with me and if my God is withh me, whom then shall i fear. it said that in Psalms too. thanks God for giving me the courage to speak. i will share the gospel with her and show her that i sm indeed a Christian and not just going for friends. friends led me to church but what kept me there is God and His unfailing love for me. sweetly broken, wholly surrendered. i'm unashamed to tell people who i trust in. but because of grace, because of your mercy, i stand here unashamed.
i know my answer now. i'm so glad that i know what is right and what is wrong. we may not know His plan for the future but we can trust in Him. and that is what i'll do. i will trust you and i will not be afraid. right here and now i know God's guiding me. though love in a complex world is hard to grapse i'll leave it to God to lead the way. maybe He's leading the way already. 我喜歡一個人.

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