Saturday, August 8, 2009

what's so different anyways?

i always thought of him as being different then other people from before,  but i looked at him today and just wondered. he's just like any other guy isn't he? he jokes around and makes perverted jokes. well kinda.  there are times that i think that he's so different and special to me but there are also times that he just treats me like any other girl.  when theres a bunch of people like today he doesnt even talk to me, and when its only us 2 we don't even talk anymore.  i think that this time it's so different but is it really? i think too much of it. i really do. but one thing is for sure, i really like him alot. as i look at him now, i can see how much i like him. i look at him differently. i think of him differently. i learned so much about love when i think about him. i understand that love is patient, love is kind. i would do about anything for him and i would wait as long as i have to for him. i've waited for about 5 months already. and i have been patient. maybe in the following months i will learn what the verses mean. and i will understand fully what love means. only when i learn what it means, will i cherish it even more and fall in love.  there's still one thing that lingers in my mind, should i ever tell him?

will he ever like me in return?

all i want is to love and be loved in return. 

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