Thursday, August 27, 2009

8.26.09 student leader retreat

i was late for the student leader retreat today =.= i went to stop and shop in hte morning to get mini cupcake pans and they had mad nice stuff there! c-town isnt doing that great now =( ot much baking stuff except for the brownie mixes. i make them pretty moist. anyways lunch break i had congee and lemon with honey. it was sooo colldd in 605 >.< the guys are eating popeyes....they're gonna get so sick of it after they're done lol mad food there but im sick so congee for me =(
one of the topics we did was finding out our talent and what came up for me was serving, teaching, mercy and healing. i think the one that fit me most was serving. alot of people thought serving was one of my best talents also. i like serving other people, not to be served. im not that great of a leader but i can serve. i love teaching and sharing the gospel to little kids too. it just gives me great joy when kids know we need to pray before we eat. i have the desire to heal people when they aren't in the greatest mood but im not great at it. i really think serving is the best. i love to help others in need and whenever they need me im there. i like doing the stuff most girls wouldn't do like carry a gazillion boxes, and when people carry one at a time, i carry 2. because i like serving others. it's the same reason why God sent Jesus. He came down to earth not to be serve but to serve others and save them.
after the meetings i went to junior's to get a cheesecake for debby. she's leaving saturday and we talked about cheesecake yesterday so i bought one for the people that went to her place. we talked about scary stories and jonathan got so scared lol debby invited us back tomorrow so i bakes some mini cupcakes :D i dont wanna use too much money. we're gonna tell more scary stories! it's so much fun with debby, and its so sad that she's leaving =(

i listened to sam and just not think about it. it really works. like i just stop thinking about this relationship stuff and my mind is all cleared up. my heart feels calmer once i just stop thinking about it. i can wait and just let time do it all. it's better to just let things go as it is, and let us grow spiritually together so in the future we can be ready to think about this stuff. right now all i wish is for them to be happy. i've let go and stopped thinking about it. the two best things i've done about this situation so far.

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