Saturday, August 22, 2009

last day of sdc, last year with ms. anna

i never knew how much this day meant to me, i wrote down every minute of it. from beginning to end...
i'll remember this day from beginning to end. the last assembly was great and all the teachers and volunteers went up for a last song. it was just amazing, i let the kindergarten kids sign my yearbook n i hope they'll remember me too. i made a pinky promise with noelle for her to remember me! i really hope they do!! the kindergarteners have free time for the whole day! so happy to spend it with them. my class has gym so im enjoying every second spending time with these kids in the nursery. it's so comfortable here and it holds so many memories of me playing with the kids and getting them to sleep.

the last devotions with ms anna forever...makes me a bit sad, but i'll enjoy every second of it. im so happy to have a new brother in Christ, ricky!! he just raised his hand as being one of the few to accept Christ as their savior this summer. i'm so happy cuz i remember him saying one time that he's not there at bible study to learn more about God, he likes the debating there...but im so happy to see that all of that has changed, he became a believer!! ms anna gave out CDs that her daughter made n i really wanted one! but i didnt get one...but i know that people who do not know Christ and accpeted him as their savior need it more then i do. i know that God has His reasons for every decision that He makes and its for my own good. 

it's not till the end of the day till i know how sad it is to leave these kids!! they made me want to cry, especially yi ling and emily...i love them! i got the kids icee for snacks cuz its the last day and it was so hot. carmen, flora and courtney got them snacks too. we all just loved the kids so much we needed to get them something.  when Tim quieted the class down for dismisal he said "boys and girls, this is really important, you must listen to everything i say and not miss anything. Guys, GO HUG THE TEACHERS AND VOLUNTEERS!! and right after he said that he ran out. i went for the door and so did elaine..and my poor finger got hurt...i regret not letting the kids hugs me but i know that i would start crying right then and there. it really didnt hit me yet tho. when mr nic said "406 this is our last time lining up lets pay attention" it really made me sad inside... this summer can never be replaced, ever. i can never forget them either. the times in music, when king jesus is all came on, yi ling does it so girly when its like yeah yeah yeah. im so gonna cry....yea im crying already cuz theres no next year n idk when we'll see each other again...i hope God will bring us together again. and by then we will grow to love each other. i cant stop cryinggggg

it was such an amazing day!! i just realized how much closer i got to a few people this summer! like nelson and sze both said that this summer brought us much closer and im so glad. i hate how though after i stopped crying and i was alone, nelson had to come next to me and tell me how i've been a great help to his kids this summer. made me start crying again, but it was tears of joy knowing how i was there to help. he started saying how this summer brought us much closer, and it got to me. a waterfall of tears started coming out. it just made me so happy knwing that sdc can bring so many people closer and relationships start forming. this summer made me realize the many things that can happen. i lost a relationship but a new one formed in its place. God has really blessed me with a great summer and the last sdc for ms anna. i didnt really realize how much i loved these kids till the very end came. i even miss samuel and hao qin! i guess they're too young to understand. i got pretty hungry after crying hahas i cried a tissue for every kid in my class and kindergarten! that took up so much of my energy i went to yaya's for food then to bible study, and calvin just left. i wont be seeing him till thanksgiving...i wont miss him lol jkjk i will miss him very much actually.

it was a great end to sdc...a few of us went up to the roof before we went home after bible study and chilling in 602. i took a nap in there, i want to sleep so much now. T_T i been deprived cuz i gotta wake up for work and church everyday. i dont wanna go back to school, just like emily said i want to stay in sdc forever! there was a nice breeze on the roof and i saw a star up there. i wish we could bring dinner up there to eat instead of going out and having to pay for tips to. so the day ends there with me taking the train with carmen and nelson. it seemed like so much happened today...a day i'll never forget. the last day of sdc with ms anna that served for 20 years.

end of the last day of sdc....

in the beginning of the day i thought it would be a normal day and not even thinking i would cry either. everyone slacked off just a bit and ying made pranks on his volunteers and edmond wanted to egg ying!! thats just crazy.  i slept in naptime with the kindegarteners. i overslept and went back late but tim didnt even care. no one cared. we left the classroom and went around everywhere visiting people. as i think back, so many people cried yesterday, even the ones that would never cry and i've never seen cry like Tim and kingston. tim i thought would never cry but he did. he "sweated" alot of tears. many people cried in the sanctuary. if u went in u would just see crying people everywhere. the kids didnt understand that it was the last year of sdc and theres no next year, and its ms anna's last year too.  i guess that was the main reason why so many people had cried. its the last year, if there was a next year i wouldnt be crying so much. i doubt tim would cry either if there was a next year and cuz we had the younger kids. its so much easier to bond with the younger kids. i never knew how much i loved them till they were gone. i miss jeffrey and samuel. they were the hard ones but they played a role in the class. everyone did, yi ling the smart one and jeffrey the kisser. kenneth and kristie i love so much. they were just awesome. the kindegarteners i couldnt let go of. when i saw alivia and kate the last ones i left, i just held them in my arms and cried. emily and yi ling were my babies! i just hugged them and cried too. i couldn't help myself cuz they all said i'll miss u and i'll never forget you....i will never forget them either. it was such a great end to sdc. if i write any more i'll start crying again. 
even the strongest ones cry at one point...

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