Friday, August 14, 2009

he's avoiding me...

haven't talked to him for while. it's been a while since we had a long convo on aim and in person. he's been avoiding me. he doesn't want to face the fact that i like him. im so sure he knows and he just avoids me whenever i ask him about it. i guess i've kinda accepted the fact but there's always false hope out there that just breaks my heart. it's so obvious that he avoids me now. its just so hard to forget, to forget the times we spent together happily as friends. it just won't happen anymore. he had to have read my blog to know all of this. i thought summer was suppose to bring happiness but it just brought more pain for me. im happy with all my friends at SDC and the boston team are awesome! but this pain overcomes any happiness that ever comes along. when i see him, i feel the pain in my heart. i feel the pain of him avoiding me and just throwing me to the side. if he does know and he does read this, does he enjoy seeing me like this? why can't we just talk about the stuff between us so i can get it over with?

i really wish that the person i like wasnt him. if it was someone else like people said, it would be so much easier.....

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