Tuesday, November 10, 2009


omgsh i got into knitting again. this time im knitting for someone's birthday present. i hope the color and size is right >.< i haven't knit for so longg i'm doing so weirdd it's like one stitch is looser then the other aiyahhh
school sucks...i got a 35 AGAIN! this time it's in math. i can't believe i did so bad... and it's a test too! T_T what am i gonna say to my parents =( they're gonna chop my head off. it's not even funny. it's completely azn fail + worse. i been doing bad in school. i hope to keep 90s in most of my classes. i'm trying my hardest in math and french tho. i get the materials, it's just i do HORRIBLE on the the tests and quizzes. even tho i can go to conference and i don't need a 95 avg overall, i still strive for a 90 to show my parents the improvements i been getting. i want to show them that going to church won't interfere with schoolwork but rather helps me and encourages me. i still hope for the best and try my best!
i'm soo addicted to manga now =.= first it was tenshi ja nai! that was a beautiful manga now its special a. it's so addicting but i wont let it interfere with schoolwork!

back to knitting!! i got till friday!!!

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