Saturday, September 12, 2009

finally hit me school started

it took a while before it actually hit me that school started. i haven't really been thinking about much since school started. all i thought about was doing my work. the first day was such a wower to me. i have almost the same schedule as last year. lunch 4th period again =[ i feel like a freshman again but i have a super hard french teacher T_T i hate her. she's so mean. i have dana in my english class and i know a few other people in my classses. i'm so glad that i have my gaw ricky in my lunch period again :] just like last year. i been at church the past week and it's really filled me up. the best thing was i still feel my heart full from conference. although there's many things hapening at home i'll pray and hope for the best. i put all my trust in God. cuz...
i will fear no evil
for my God is with me
and if my God is with me
whom then shall i fear?
whom then shall i fear?

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