Monday, August 17, 2009

love is blind.

love is blind. 

it can mean so much when someone is there for you when you're heartbroken. i been prepared to get over him, and now maybe people were right. what they thought was right. this other guy i might really like. he was always there for me when i got sad over him.  its about time i forget about this guy, he avoided me. it takes time to forget a person and its only possible when u meet someone new. or when you finally notice that theres another person thats always been by your side. although i cant see what the future has planned for me i know that God will take care of it. today pastor Sandy talked about something really important. pray about the one you will marry in the future, pray for him. the skit trust fall made me think a lot. i was just thinking am i putting all my trust in God or just in myself? that question was stuck in my mind the whole time. and in the end i could only think of no. i haven't been. i was always counting on myself and never really ask God to help me find out. and now after i have been praying about it, i know what to do.  i will continue on my life without crying over this again. because love is patient and kind. i will never let these things get to me again. it took a while but i finally get it....this new person...

chubby bunnyy....threw up red stuff
banana game...won the first one, lost the second

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