Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sam's sweet 16

i had my most awesomest first sweet 16 party that i went to. and i funniest thing was nelson went. he made the party FUN!! and not to make him feel better but it was, he make it awesomeee! i haven't danced like that in a while and supposedly we were the only pair that was guy and girl when it was time for the slow songs. the rest of the people paired up with the same sex. madd funny and we had to do that for 2 songs. then it was courtney's turn to dance with him. i had an awesome time cuz i haven't danced so crazy since last year. it wasn't dirty dancing as some people would think but just jumping up and seeing nelson dance was so nice. he went pretty crazy and of course sam was the center of attention. and we all thought nelson went to her party just to hit on her LOL nahh he was my"date" LOL jkjk he just went for fun and he was loved and invited. he gotta chill and stop worrying!! i wish the pics can go up soooon!!! nelson did some pretty funny things hahas but we both knew where to stop lol i wish it coulda lasted longer =T

there was only one thing missing too. i wished that my partner for the dance was him, even though i liked nelson and it was fun, it didn't feel right. i wish he coulda came, but things are different now. i feel like he's avoiding me...

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