Wednesday, December 2, 2009

stuck on my mind-ish kinda thought

been on my mind for a while. been talking to emily about him too. i suck at dancing but he was so nice about it. i'm so afraid that i wont get it in time. i really am >.< im so badd and he's awesome! what can i do...i practice but i still cant emphasize the moves like he does. gotta work harder!!
i got this feeling but i'm not sure if it's the devil tempting me. i liked him for so long and i wonder if i'm over him. he's still a really good friend to me. we been through alot. this may be like a spiritual high. a false feeling. but i'm still not sure about. God lead the way for me. i pray about it and God lead the way for me. a relationship is kept for someone that is special and who God leads me to. i dont want temptation to lead me to something wrong. i need to be a good leader for those who look to me for help. i leave it in His hand to guide me through everything. i won't keep this part of my life for myself to make the wrong choices. give me courage Father. to face everything in life. i don't want this to be a problem that im facing now. all i want to put my everything in now is telling my parents who i am. a believer in Christ.

i lost a gaw. by those words i felt hurt. i felt betrayed on that one day where he said something that i vent out to him. it broke my heart to hear him say don't call him gaw anymore...

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