Monday, August 31, 2009


i <3 volleyball!! i was playing for friend day today and i played alright. not the greatest but i made it through. the thing i hated was playinng with the herald ppl and they were good but i had no clue what to do. made me feel so out of the circle. but i liked it after we did digging drills and king of the court. it was funn playing cuz i got to play with different teams everytime and i could play with everyone. it was really fun! i missed sunday school and part of worship today...took me so long just to be able to leave. but in the end i still made it to service and got to hear a bit about the sermon.

i hurt my thumb playing volleyball =(

im so glad things got cleared up. i dont feel crazy about him anymore, but theres still part of me that can't look away from him if he's right in front of me. i liked him alot, liked. i'm so glad i have these close friends that can help me through it all.

whenever i hear about it, i wished it was me, i dont know why....

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