Saturday, April 25, 2009

nightmare,,,,does it have a meaning?

i had such a bad nightmare last night. it started out so weird and it included ghosts too. we were talking about ghosts at bible study so i guess it was still semi in my mind and when i was sleeping it came up. but it was like first it was some chinese school activity but then i saw cana people there like dana, and justin. i remember that we were separated into groups and dana and justin were in one group. there were games that some staff in chinese school was explaining. then while we were waiting to play dana and justins group went to play something. it was in a dark, foggy, and in the woods. they were on top of some trees and a plank in shape of a "s". then i remember dana falling off but right off the bat she looked like a ghost that was chasing me down. Then i think it was Debby that was there trying to help me and i was running away. i remember the thoughts in my mind at that time. i think it was questioning God. like i was asking Him why is a ghost chasing me. the rest was a blur, but this dream was so weird. like the setting and everything. i really wonder if it has some special meaning, like the people that i see in it and what happened...
another part of the dream i remember was something with Ocm then it was like in a big meeting room where there were groups of people there and they were arguing about something. but i remember one group of people won the arguement and said" if they take it then we will sue they for copyright infrigment"thats all i remembered from that part, then there was a guy in that same room fighting with an old lady that seemed to have been the one in charge of everything. the lasy i remember was then a ghost too and i was running around everywhere in that big building but i kept seeing her picture of the ghost pop up in front of me. this was really wierd. i remember tim saying that everything in our dreams had to have been something we've seen even if it was just a glance. but i dont remember seeing anything related to what im dreaming of.
then there was a last part. it was one a cruise trip. there was i think my cluster or just people there. there was guys and girls and we had to go in the shower rooms. the guys of course was in a different part of the place but there was the girls there and everything seemed normal til i was gonna walk out to get something but i had this uneasiness that a ghost was going to pop out. so i ran back into the yellow tiled shower rooms. and now that i think of it, its like the ones in the locker room at tech. then i remeber there was one shower head that was on full blast and i told someone to get out of the way. i went to one door but it was locked tight and shut, i tried kicking it but it wouldnt open! i panicked and the lights were off. the girls were all in one group, we went to the door that led to the boys shower room and they were done so we went in. but i kept getting that feeling that there was a ghost next to me and i was afraid to go anywhere alone. and from that we had to change ships so i went to thinking of another dream that included being on a ship and there were ghosts around....

these nightmares were so weird, like they had to have been something i glanced over but i dont remember one bit of these. they 're just different part and random images that pop up but only the first dream i had was with people i know in or at least i think so. but they were all including ghosts which we had a q&a on. i really wonder if these dreams have a meaning either. im gonna try to sort them out...

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