Sunday, January 17, 2010

been sleeping again

im happy to say that im finally sleeping again. after a talking about some stuff with someone i feel like im able to let go even though that was only part of what i had to go through. there were so many things that i couldn't say out loud because i was so ashamed of myself but im unashamed to tell this to God and let Him be my Redeemer and take it all away. because of winter conference, i was able to let go and stop hiding it painfully. after letting it out i was able to sleep normally again. thanks kingston! the video reception went really well even though we were pretty late.

so i missed sunday school sadly again today...i feel really bad. and there will be screening for JAMS next week. i really think im biased toward some people and i gotta stop. idk why...i just dont like it. im sorta nervous for the screening but it doesnt matter cuz in the end its for God no matter where im singing praise to Him, from the crowd or leading it. i feel God's calling to lead people in praise because of my passion for praise. i might start learning piano and guitar hardcore after finals are over. i know i'll never be great at it but it'll be good enough to play for God. i just gotta try my best and if i still fail at it there's always the Scripture which i can turn to. i shall be optimistic more often now.

to find the silver lining.

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