Sunday, January 10, 2010

God's working in my life

so i had a superrr long week. haven't had time to blog since i went back to school. i didn't even get a chance to talk to kingston yet =T i dunno who else i can trust with it. we never get a chance to talk...hopefully this week. so school really sucked and i'm not getting good grades. my weekend was really great though.
friday- bible study. liana, victoria came :D then practice went really well and my mom didn't get mad that i went home pretty late.
saturday- i baked in the morning then planned to go to mts but i had to take care of my grandma. i was freaking out when i thought she fell down the stairs. thank God that she didn't. i baked in the morning, sugar cookies for hotpoting at felix's. i met up at the bowling alley to give sandra her present. cookies! hotpot was great. tim, stanley, kingston, wendy, carmen, lorraine, erica, me and felix. it was soo filling and we had a pretty fun time fooling around afterwards. mostly the older guys messing around with each other. like playing rowshambow or however you spell it lol can't believe kingston fell for it so many times xD we watched the day after tomorrow. i really love that movie no matter how many times i watch it. it ended at like 11 though =.= but my mom didn't get that mad at me surprisingly. i thought i would get beat up when i got home but i told her someone was driving me home and i called to check up with her.
sunday- so today i was on set. i went late to practice cuz i didn't get a wake up call and benny who offered to call me apparently didn't have my number....but i made it to sunday school on time. i feel like i missed out on alot of things in sunday school. i missed like half a semister cuz of stuff at home but i'm glad that i can finally go back. at least i wasn't the latest one. i was pretty nervous when we were practicing before service. like i messed up on my verse and i was freaking out that i'd mess up when it was time to sing. but i prayed to God to calm my heart and give me the courage to sing because it's to praise Him. i prayed and prayed and when it got to my part i wasn't nervous at all because i felt God telling me to relax and everybody was singing along. i felt no nervousness. it was a comfortable crowd that i was leading. my vocals aren't the greatest or the loudest but it's my first time. i pulled it off pretty well. God's def working in my life and making me get rid of that stage fright that i thought i always had. hakuna mungu kama wewe! energetic song! mi alabanza seguira! spanish song. multi-ethnic worship. amazing worship time. then in chinese school we won our poem contest thing. 1st place!! we're awesome like that! so we got $30 for a party in 2 weeks. :D the teacher doesn't hate me that much haha. i still didn't manage to have time to talk with kingston about that past event. i really want to let it out. so i won't feel suffocated but i'm letting God take it away. because He is my Redeemer. He can take away all teh sadnesss from the past and through the healing, He can use me in the future.
i still remember Pastor Hoon's semons. they really stick out to me :]

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