Tuesday, January 5, 2010

White as Snow; New years day

So it’s the first day of Winter Conference ’10, White as Snow.

This morning I woke up late….. I ended up waking up at 7ish which is late cuz I slept at like 5 or 6 =( then I ate some congee and left. My mommy was so nice that she took the train with me to Chinatown and helped me with my luggage which was A LOT cuz of all the snacks and the comforter. While bringing me there she met Pastor Rocky. I was really happy to have them talk and him tell her that I am a good girl and the things that I do here aren’t bad. I was really happy but I got there at like 8:40 and it was pretty late. I had to help load the bus too. I got some coffee and ling cha. I sat next to Kelly on the bus and my sis let me bring her laptop!! I needed to do some homework anyways. So then I forgot to eat my medicine till the bus started moving and it takes at least an hour for the medicine to kick in. I was using the laptop and working on some stuff then I felt sooo bus sick. So I gave it to anne and nelson to watch Initial D. I LOVE that movie, cuz jay chou is in it LOL I went into fetal position and I felt a lot better. The bus ride was about an hour n half. By the time I woke up we were already there. I had like 3 carry ons cuz of the snacks x] we got off and registered then back into our cabins. i’m in cabin 5 with Kelly, Jessica, and faith. I think this was nelsons old cabin lol I heard him saying something about that. The cabins are alright. There’s 3 bunk beds and a king size bed which is super comfy. I took the top bunk near the window to feel safer. The blankets and pillows look….disgusting. they have yellow streaks on it like it’s never been washed…. I don’t feel safe if I use it. I set up my bed then went to eat play on swings and then lunch. The lunch was hot dog and burger. It didn’t taste the greatest. I have a cold sore inside my mouth and it really stings!!! I could barely eat. After lunch it was free time! I was in the rec room most of the time playing pool and then I waited to go swimming. I wanna go swimming tomorrow also but there’s PAINTBALL! I was pretty good in pool today :D I brought the laptop there to download an episode of A Watchdog’s Tale. It’s a pretty good series. So now I have episode 5. I really don’t wanna start watching full house yet lol I still haven’t seen a Korean drama yet. Well at swimming I could do breast stroke and I’m perfecting it. I got really sore in my arm after swimming for a few laps though. I left after more people went in and came back when most of the people were leaving. It was easier to actually practice swimming though. I still can’t swim freestyle >< justin better teach me D; but he has practice tomorrow and a whole lot of them wont be playing paintball either. That really sucks. The chlorine from the pool really kills my hair and I didn’t wash it till right before dinner. I played pool and I won two games but lost a couple too. Anyways when I was washing my hair, we lost a towel to put on the floor so it got soo slippery! My hair was much better after washing. I went to the gym and played a bit of vball before going to dinner. Dinner was lasagna and some stuff like that but cuz of my cold sore, I couldn’t eat….it hurt so much whenever I ate a bite >< style=""> :] ohyea and it was Kevin’s birthday too! We had a little break after dinner right before worship. So I was really really tired by then. Tim was like am I okay and so was a few other people. I think it is because I didn’t have my coffee D: I was so tired and during the message I almost fell asleep! He is a great speaker too! I really liked Rev. Hoon Kim’s message. It was about letting go of the past and let God the Redeemer take it away. At the end of the message we had a prayer vigil style closing prayer. We were down on our knees praying to God out loud and asking Him to take away all of those past mistakes. I called out to His name, to Jesus to take it all away, to rid myself of the memory that has been stuck on my mind since that day. I never told anyone about it. It will change what they think of me, at least that’s what I think. I’m afraid to tell anyone about it so I ask God to take it all away. All of the sadness and the stress that built up because of that. On my knees, praying to God on the top of my lungs. The only voice I heard Rev Hoon and Tim cuz he was next to me but the only thing I paid attention to was hearing me out. I shed tears of happiness maybe but I just felt God’s presence there next to me like a friend listening to what I had to say. Then after that we went into our groups of 3 people talking and praying about it all. We weren’t in co-ed groups even though its suppose to be in groups that we feel comfortable talking in. I wanted to talk to someone about that bad memory that I can’t rid of to only 2 guys that I trusted and Carmen and Elaine if they were there. I was in a group with Canney, Anne, and Faith. We talked about the stuff that’s on our minds. Faith prayed about cana and how it’s still the same, the cliques are still there and it’s always the same. I shared about how my dad was like on new years eve. That was a really great time I had. I think prayer vigil will be an amazing experience with nelson planning it. I think it was that prayer that I finally felt like it was conference. The whole time I didn’t feel anything. It felt empty till that prayer. I finally felt God really there listening to me and hearing my cry to His name. it was so fulfilling. We split into our fellowships after that. In cana we had our group games. We played the games with or small groups. My small group was Jaclyn, lisa, Diana, and Sandra. The first one was dragon tale but our team lost because we had the least people. I think Rachael left after this game. Then we played the line game where we had to stretch as far as we can. I hurt my bones doing that…. I almost made a split but it hurt > but I can still bump dive and partially spike. We had to leave pretty soon but I stayed n chilled with the people practicing then went back to my cabin. I wanted to relax and party in cabin 4 with canney anne and Diana but minna saw me so I had to go back. I watched tvb till I was tired. Can’t wait for tomorrow!!

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